# | |
#SAT | |
#SMT(BV) | |
#SMT(LA) | |
$ | |
$\omega$-categorical | |
( | |
(Constraint) Logic Programming | |
(homeomorphically) embedded E-unifiers | |
2 | |
2-CNF | |
A | |
A-infinity-(co)algebras | |
aa | |
aaa | |
abductive reasoning | |
Abella | |
Absolute Correctness | |
Abstract Interpretation | |
abstract recursion theory | |
abstract state machine | |
Abstract State Machines | |
Abstract syntax | |
abstract winning condition | |
Abstraction | |
Abstraction Refinement | |
abstraction-refinement | |
accumulated weight constraints | |
Ackermann's Lemma | |
action language | |
Active Objects | |
Actor | |
actors | |
Actual Cause | |
ACUI | |
Ada programming | |
adaptive | |
additive monad | |
adequate numeral system | |
adjoint logic | |
adjoint model | |
Adjunctions | |
admissibility | |
admissible rules | |
affine term | |
Agda | |
agent programming | |
agents | |
Aggregates | |
aggregations in logic programming | |
AI Safety | |
air traffic surveillance systems | |
Algebra | |
algebra in type theory | |
algebraic confluence | |
Algebraic crossover operators | |
algebraic effects | |
Algebraic evolutionary computation | |
algebraic extensions | |
Algebraic Geometry | |
algebraic proof systems | |
algebraic structures | |
algorithm | |
Algorithm selection | |
algorithm substitution attacks | |
algorithmic complexity | |
algorithms | |
all maximal clique partitions in a graph | |
allegories | |
Alloy | |
Almost Full relations | |
Almost-sure winning | |
alpha-equivalence | |
Alternating Automata | |
Alternating time | |
Alternating-time Temporal Logic | |
anaphora | |
Android Applications | |
Android back stack | |
Android stack systems | |
Animation | |
annotation | |
answer set computation | |
Answer Set Programming | |
Anti-unification | |
Apache Spark | |
Application | |
applicative bisimulation distance | |
applicative first-order logic | |
applicative simulation distance | |
applied lambda-calculus | |
Apprenticeship Learning | |
approximate circuits | |
approximate counting | |
approximate equivalence checking | |
Approximate inference | |
approximate partial order reduction | |
Approximate synthesis | |
Approximation | |
Approximation Fixpoint Theory | |
approximation theorem | |
architecture | |
arithmetic circuits | |
Armstrong relation | |
Arrays | |
artificial intelligence | |
ASN.1 | |
ASP | |
ASP systems | |
Assertions | |
Associative operad | |
assumptions refinement | |
Asynchronous | |
Asynchronous Games | |
Atom tracing | |
atom variables | |
Atomic flows | |
Atomic Formula | |
ATP | |
Attack Trees | |
attacker knowledge | |
Attempto Controlled English | |
attribute-based access control | |
Authentication | |
auto-generated code | |
autocorrelation | |
automata | |
automata learning | |
Automata over infinite words | |
Automata Theory | |
Automata with counters | |
Automated Algebraic Reasonings | |
automated complexity analysis | |
Automated configuration | |
automated guided vehicle routing | |
automated reasoning | |
automated reasonning | |
automated theorem proving | |
automated trading systems | |
Automated verification | |
automatic algorithm configuration | |
Automatic Proof checking | |
Automatic Verification | |
automation | |
Automaton State | |
automotive | |
Automotive case study | |
Autonomous | |
Autonomous automotive | |
Autonomous Driving | |
Autonomous system | |
Autonomous vehicle | |
autonomous vehicles | |
avionics systems | |
Axiom Pinpointing | |
axiomatization | |
axioms | |
B | |
B combinator | |
backdoor | |
backdoors | |
backtracking | |
Backus FP | |
Backward exploration · | |
backwards analysis | |
Bar inductive predicates | |
Barendregt's Variable Convention | |
Barrier Certificates | |
Basis Reduction | |
BayesianInference | |
bb | |
bbb | |
BDD | |
Behavioural equivalence | |
Behavioural metrics | |
Belenios | |
Belief Function Theory | |
belief merging | |
benchmark | |
Benchmarking | |
beta reduction | |
Beth models | |
Betweenness Centrality | |
Bi-directional Grammars | |
bi-intuitionistic logic | |
bicategories | |
Bidding games | |
Biform theories | |
Bimonad | |
binarized neural network | |
Binary Analysis | |
Binary Encoding | |
binary search tree | |
binder mobility | |
Binders | |
Binding operations | |
Bioinformatics | |
bisimulation | |
Bit-vectors | |
Bitvectors | |
black-box optimization | |
Blockchain | |
blocked clauses | |
boolean algebra | |
Boolean Functional synthesis | |
Boolean games | |
Boolean polynomials | |
Boolean satisfiability | |
Boolean-valued models | |
Boot code | |
bottom-up | |
Bounded | |
bounded arithmetic | |
Bounded expansion | |
bounded model checking | |
bounded model-checking | |
bounded synthesis | |
bounds on leakage | |
Braidings | |
branching programs | |
broadcast communication | |
Brzozowski derivatives | |
Buchberger algorithm | |
Buchi Automaton | |
Bug Finding | |
bug finding tool | |
Böhm trees | |
Büchi Automaton | |
C | |
C code | |
C Programming Language | |
cache coherence protocols | |
Cached Address Translation | |
calculational method | |
Calculational proof | |
calculus of structures | |
call by push value | |
call by value | |
call-by-name | |
call-by-need evaluation | |
call-by-push value | |
call-by-value | |
car assembly operations | |
Cardinality Constraint | |
cardinality encodings | |
Cartesian cubes | |
Cartesian Genetic Programming | |
Cartesian Monoids | |
case study | |
Catalan numbers | |
categorial grammar | |
Categorical Logic | |
Categorical model | |
Categorical models | |
Categorical Quantum Mechanics | |
Categorical semantics | |
categories with families | |
Categorification | |
category theory | |
Causal Dependency | |
causality preservation | |
Cautious Reasoning | |
cc | |
ccc | |
ccg | |
CCSL | |
CDCL | |
cdcl-cuttingplanes | |
Cedille | |
Cellular automata | |
cellular cohomology | |
Centrality | |
certificate checking | |
certificates | |
certification | |
certified code | |
Certified execution engine | |
certified software | |
channel composition | |
chat bot | |
chemical computation | |
Chemical reaction networks | |
Chinese monoids | |
Choice Logic | |
Choice sequences | |
choiceless polynomial time | |
Chronological Backtracking | |
Church's type theory | |
Church-Turing thesis | |
circuit | |
Circuit complexity | |
circuit lower bounds | |
circuit satisfiability | |
circular proofs | |
classical arithmetic | |
classical B | |
classical higher-order logic | |
classical linear logic | |
classical logic | |
classical realizability | |
Classical sequent calculus | |
Clause Learning | |
CLF | |
clocks | |
cluster algebra | |
CNF | |
CNF configuration | |
Co-Simulation | |
Coalgebra Modality | |
Coarse computability | |
Coarse-grained modeling | |
CoCoA and MathSAT | |
codatatypes | |
code generation | |
Code Generators | |
code review | |
code-generation | |
coends | |
Cognitive Modeling | |
cographs | |
coherence | |
coherence theorems | |
coherent presentations | |
coinduction | |
coinduction up-to | |
Coinductive Invariants | |
coinductive types | |
Combination | |
Combinatorial benchmarks | |
combinatorial proofs | |
combinatorial search algorithms | |
combinatoric | |
combinatorics | |
combinators | |
combinatory logic | |
common knowledge | |
Common Language for Geometric Problems | |
Commonsense Reasoning | |
Comonads | |
Comparator | |
comparator network | |
comparison systems | |
CompCert | |
Competition | |
compiler | |
Compilers | |
complementary approximate reachability | |
Complementation | |
complete abstract domains | |
complete lattices | |
Complete Segal Spaces | |
completeness | |
completion | |
Complexity | |
Complexity Analysis | |
complexity classes | |
complexity dichotomy | |
Complexity measures | |
Complexity Proving | |
complexity results | |
Complexity Theory | |
composition | |
compositional analysis of software systems | |
compositional model checking | |
compositional reasoning | |
Compositional verification | |
compositionality | |
Computability | |
computation and deduction | |
Computation Complexity | |
Computation Tree Logic | |
computational complexity | |
Computational Hardness | |
computational model | |
Computational modeling | |
computational monads | |
Computational Reductions | |
computational soundness | |
Computational thinking | |
computational type theory | |
computer aided security proofs | |
Computer Algebra | |
computer-aided cryptography | |
concurrency | |
concurrency and distributed computation | |
Concurrency Testing | |
Concurrent datatypes | |
Concurrent games | |
Concurrent objects | |
Concurrent operation specification | |
Concurrent Process Calculi | |
concurrent program algebra | |
Concurrent Separation Logic | |
Concurrent strategies | |
Condition Synchronization | |
Conditional Independence | |
conditional rewriting | |
conditional term rewriting | |
conditional value at risk | |
Confidentiality | |
Conflict-Driven Clause Learning | |
Conflict-driven search | |
confluence | |
Confluence Analysis | |
Confluence and Standardization | |
confluence competition | |
Confluence modulo | |
confluence tool | |
Confusion | |
Connection-based proof-search | |
cons-free computation | |
Conservative approximation | |
Conservativity | |
consistency | |
Consistency Analysis | |
Consistency Checking | |
Consistency proofs | |
constant-time security | |
Constrained Horn Clauses | |
Constrained Optimization | |
constrained rewriting | |
Constraint Handling Rules | |
Constraint Handling Rules (CHR) | |
Constraint Language | |
Constraint Logic Programming | |
Constraint Logic Programming on Finite Domains | |
Constraint Modelling | |
constraint problem | |
Constraint programming | |
constraint satisfaction | |
Constraint Satisfaction Problem | |
constraint satisfaction problems | |
Constraint satisfaction processing | |
Constraint Solving | |
Constraint Systems | |
Constraint-based synthesis | |
Constraint-based verification | |
constraints | |
constraints solver | |
Constructive Decidability | |
constructive mathematics | |
Constructive Type Theory | |
constructivism | |
contact logics | |
context-free | |
Context-free Grammars | |
contextual equivalence | |
contextual fibrancy | |
contextuality | |
Continuous computation | |
Continuous delivery | |
continuous systems | |
continuous validation | |
Continuous-time Markov chain | |
contract-based verification | |
contractibility | |
Contraction | |
control | |
control improvisation | |
Control parameters | |
Control Theory | |
Control-Flow Refinment | |
Controlled Natural Language | |
Controlled Natural Languages | |
controller synthesis | |
conversion algorithm | |
convex polyhedra | |
Cooperative Scheduling | |
Coq | |
Coq library | |
Coq proof assistant | |
Core SAT | |
Corecursion | |
correctness | |
Correctness by extraction | |
correctness criteria | |
Correctness Enhancement | |
Correctness proof | |
Correspondence theory | |
Cost Analysis | |
Cost bounded reachability | |
Cost relations | |
counter-example | |
Counterexample-guided Algorithms | |
Counterexample-Guided Inductive Synthesis | |
counterexamples | |
counting classes | |
Courcelle's Theorem | |
Covering Theory | |
CPS translation | |
CR-Prolog | |
CR-Prolog2 | |
Crafted benchmarks | |
Craig Interpolation | |
critical complexity region | |
critical pair | |
critical software assurance | |
Critical Systems | |
CRN | |
CRN equivalence | |
cross-fertilization | |
cross-section property | |
crowds | |
cryptographic CNF instances | |
cryptographic constant-time | |
Cryptographic protocol | |
Cryptographic protocols | |
cryptographic schemes | |
Cryptographic software | |
Cryptography | |
CSP | |
CSP Solver | |
cubical sets | |
cubical type theory | |
Curry-Howard | |
Curry-Howard correspondence | |
Curry-Howard isomorphism | |
cut elimination | |
Cut-elimination | |
Cutting and Packing | |
Cutting planes | |
Cyber Security | |
Cyber-Physical system | |
cyber-physical systems | |
Cycle finding | |
Cyclic graphs | |
cyclic induction | |
cyclic lambda calculus | |
cyclic proof | |
Cyclic proofs | |
cyclic sharing | |
Cyclic term-graps | |
cylindrical algebraic decomposition | |
D | |
D-optimaldesigns | |
data compression | |
Data Driven modelling | |
Data Races | |
data words | |
Data-structures | |
database theory | |
Databases | |
Datalog | |
datatypes | |
Deadlock | |
Deadlock Analysis | |
Deadlock Detection | |
deadlock-freedom | |
Decentralized planning | |
Decidability | |
decision | |
Decision making | |
Decision Model and Notation (DMN) | |
Decision Modeling | |
Decision Modelling | |
decision procedure | |
Decision Procedures | |
decisiveness | |
Declarative Algorithms | |
declarative knowledge representation | |
declarative programming | |
Declarative Prover | |
declassification | |
decoupled approach | |
decreasing diagrams | |
deduction | |
Deductive interactive program verification | |
Deductive program verification | |
Deductive programs verification | |
deductive verification | |
Dedukti | |
Deduplication | |
deep embedding | |
deep inference | |
Deficiency | |
definability | |
definable while programs | |
delay differential equations | |
Delta-completeness | |
denotation | |
denotational model | |
denotational semantics | |
deontic logis | |
Dependant Types | |
dependence maps | |
Dependency | |
dependent choice | |
dependent product types | |
Dependent Refinement Types | |
dependent temporal effects | |
dependent type theory | |
dependent types | |
dependently typed programming | |
derivational complexity | |
Deriving Reliable Programs | |
Description Logic | |
description logics | |
descriptive complexity | |
design automation | |
Design by contract | |
Design Space Exploration | |
determinacy | |
Deterministic Automata | |
Deterministic Parity Automaton | |
DFA | |
Diagrammatic Reasoning | |
dialectica category | |
Dialectica interpretation | |
diamond lemma | |
differential dynamic logic | |
differential equation axiomatization | |
Differential Equations | |
differential game logic | |
differential ghosts | |
Differential Linear Logic | |
Digital libraries | |
Diller-Nahm variant | |
Diophantine equations | |
direct-manipulation interaction | |
Discounted-sum determinization | |
Discounted-sum inclusion | |
discrete polymorphism | |
Discrete-Event | |
discrete-time linear system | |
display map category | |
distance bounding protocols | |
Distance fraud | |
Distance-bounding protocols | |
distribute consensus protocols | |
distributed autonomous systems | |
distributed computing | |
distributed concurrent systems | |
Distributed Protocols | |
distributed systems | |
Distribution based objectives | |
DMN | |
DNA algorithmic self-assembly | |
Dolev-Yao Attacker | |
domain specific languages | |
domain-level strand displacement | |
domain-specific formal languages | |
Domain-specific languages | |
dominance | |
Double Description method | |
Double negation | |
Double-pushout graph transformation | |
Double-pushout rewriting | |
downward closures | |
DPRM Theorem | |
drat | |
DRAT proofs | |
Drawing trees | |
DSL | |
dual-rail encoding | |
duality | |
dualized proof system | |
Dynamic analysis | |
Dynamic applications | |
Dynamic data structures | |
Dynamic domains | |
dynamic epistemic logic | |
Dynamic language | |
Dynamic Languages | |
dynamic logic | |
Dynamic nets | |
Dynamic Partial Order Reduction | |
Dynamic Programming | |
Dynamic Verification | |
Dynamical Systems | |
E | |
e-voting | |
EasyCrypt | |
Eckmann-Hilton morphism | |
Economic Reasoning | |
Economics | |
effectful bisimilarity | |
Efficiency | |
efficient computation | |
Egraph | |
Eilenberg-Moore Category | |
elaboration | |
Eldarica | |
Electronic Voting | |
elementary linear logic | |
elementary semantics | |
ellipsoid method | |
Embedded systems | |
Empirical evaluation | |
EMVCo | |
energy games | |
energy-efficient computing | |
engineering mathematics | |
enriched category theory | |
entailment check | |
Entitity Resolution | |
epistemic logic | |
Epistemic Logic Programs | |
epistemic specification | |
Epistemic Specifications | |
equality by abstraction over an interval | |
equational constraints | |
equational logic | |
equational rewriting | |
equational theories | |
equational theory | |
Equilibrium Logic | |
Equivalence | |
equivalence relations | |
erasure | |
Erlang | |
essential unification | |
Ethereum | |
Evaluable Functions | |
Evaluation | |
Event Calculus | |
Event structures | |
evidential verification | |
Evolution systems | |
exchange | |
exchange rule | |
Executable Specifications | |
execution time | |
exhaustive and randomized data generation | |
existential rules | |
expander graphs | |
expansion proofs | |
expected shortfall | |
Expected Utility | |
experimental analysis | |
experiments | |
Expert Systems | |
explainable decision set | |
explanation | |
explanatory analysis | |
explicit induction reasoning | |
explicit substitution | |
Exposed Datapath Architectures | |
expressiveness | |
extended resolution | |
Extension | |
extensive category | |
extraction | |
F | |
factorization | |
fairness | |
Fairness objectives | |
Fault tolerance | |
feasibility of functionals | |
feature tree constraints | |
fermionic quantum computing | |
fibrancy of the function type | |
fibrant replacement | |
field theory | |
Filter | |
filter models | |
Finite Automaton | |
Finite model generator | |
finite model property | |
finite model theory | |
finite multisets | |
Finite Semantics | |
finite sum types | |
finitization | |
Firmware | |
first order logic | |
First order transduction | |
first-order combinatorial proofs | |
First-order list function | |
first-order logic | |
first-order logic with inductive definitions | |
first-order logic with inductive predicates | |
First-order multiplicative linear logic | |
First-Order Syntactic Unification | |
First-order Theory | |
first-order theory of rewriting | |
First-order types | |
Fix-points | |
fixed parameter complexity | |
fixed parameter tractable | |
Fixed Point Arithmetic | |
fixed point equations | |
fixed points | |
fixed-point logic | |
Fixpoint Algorithms | |
fixpoint alternation | |
fixpoint logic | |
flattener | |
Floating Point Arithmetic | |
floating-point analysis | |
floating-point optimization | |
floating-point round-off errors | |
flocking | |
Flow Analysis | |
flows and nowhere-zero flows | |
Fly-Automata | |
FMI | |
Focused Proof Systems | |
focused sequent calculus | |
focused sequent calculus for first-order modal logic | |
focusing | |
Focussing | |
FOIL algorithm | |
FOL | |
Forest Algebra | |
Forest Algebras | |
Formal Analysis | |
formal aspects of program analysis | |
Formal Definition | |
formal languages and automata theory | |
Formal Library | |
Formal Metatheory | |
Formal Methods | |
formal methods for security | |
formal methods in practice | |
Formal Model | |
formal proof | |
formal proofs | |
Formal Semantics | |
formal specification | |
formal topology | |
formal verification | |
formal verification at runtime | |
Formalisation | |
formalization | |
FormalVerification | |
Frama-C | |
Free choice sequences | |
free modules | |
free monad | |
Free Variable | |
Frege systems | |
Freyd categories | |
Frobenius algebra | |
FSM | |
full abstraction | |
Function algebras | |
Function classes | |
function package | |
function summaries | |
Functional Analysis | |
functional and relational specifications | |
functional dependency | |
functional interpretation | |
Functional Mock-up Interface | |
functional programming | |
functor | |
fuzz | |
fuzzer | |
fuzzy generalization | |
Fuzzy logic | |
G | |
g-leakage | |
Game semantics | |
Game Theory | |
Games | |
games and logic | |
games played on finite graphs | |
Gandy | |
Gappa | |
garbled circuit | |
generalised species | |
Generalization of syntactic parse trees | |
generalized reactivity | |
Generic Binding Structures | |
generic proof assistant | |
Genetic algorithms | |
Geometric Automated Theorem Provers | |
geometric logic | |
geometric realization | |
Geometry | |
geometry of interaction | |
Gillespie algorithm | |
Girard's translations | |
global states | |
gluing | |
GNATProve | |
goal-directed evaluation | |
gradual typing | |
Grammar testing | |
Grammatical Framework | |
graph | |
graph algorithms | |
Graph Analysis | |
Graph Drawing | |
graph encoding | |
Graph Generation | |
graph grammars | |
graph isomorphism | |
graph minor theorem | |
Graph Queries | |
Graph Recognition | |
Graph Representation | |
graph rewriting | |
graph rewriting systems | |
graph theory | |
Graph transformation | |
Graph Views | |
graph-based characterization | |
Graphical reasoning | |
Gray categories | |
Gray category | |
greatest fixed point | |
Greedy Heuristics | |
Groebner bases | |
Grothendieck fibrations | |
ground systems | |
ground theories | |
Grounding | |
Group decision | |
Groupoid | |
Gröbner Basis | |
Guard Condition | |
Guarded Recursion | |
Guillotine Constraint | |
H | |
Hadamard matrices | |
halting problem | |
hammers | |
Handlers | |
handwriting | |
Handwritten Digit Recognition | |
handwritten mathematics | |
hardness of approximation | |
Hardware model | |
hardware verification | |
hardware-in-the-loop | |
Hardware/software interfaces | |
hash functions | |
Hashing-based Algorithm | |
HCI | |
head variable | |
Herbrand's theorem | |
hereditarily definable sets | |
heuristic search | |
heuristics | |
Hierarchical information | |
Hierarchical state machines | |
Hierarchy Theorem | |
higher categories | |
Higher dimensional linear rewriting | |
higher groups | |
higher inductive type | |
higher inductive types | |
Higher order recursion schemes | |
Higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS) | |
higher-order computability | |
higher-order logic | |
higher-order logic programming | |
higher-order modal logic | |
higher-order operads | |
higher-order programs | |
higher-order reasoning | |
higher-order recursion schemes | |
Higher-Order Rewriting | |
higher-order term rewriting | |
higher-order unification | |
Higher-Ranked Polymorphism | |
Highly Assured Software | |
Hilbert's tenth problem | |
HKDF | |
HMAC | |
HOL | |
HOL Light | |
homogeneous | |
homogeneous linear diophantine equations | |
homogeneous types | |
Homological algebra | |
Homomorphism | |
Homotopical algebra | |
Homotopy | |
homotopy type theory | |
Hopf Monad | |
Horn clause | |
Horn Clause Transformation | |
Horn clauses | |
Horn propositional satisfiability algorithm | |
howe's method | |
Human-Robot Interactions | |
Human-Robotic Interaction | |
HW-SW interface | |
hybrid logic | |
Hybrid System | |
hybrid system simulators | |
hybrid systems | |
hydraulic oil pump | |
Hyper sequents | |
hypercube optimization | |
Hyperintensional Logic | |
Hyperproperties | |
Hyperproperty Verification | |
hypersequents | |
I | |
ic3 | |
IDE | |
Idempontent | |
Idempotent quasigroups | |
Identity type | |
ILP | |
immunization | |
imperative | |
imperative calculi | |
Imperative languages | |
imperative programming | |
imperative programs | |
Imperfect information | |
Implementation and benchmarks for parity games | |
implicate generation | |
implicative algebras | |
implicit complexity | |
Implicit Hitting Set | |
Importance Splitting | |
impredicative encodings | |
impredicativity | |
inconsistency measures | |
inconsistency-tolerant reasoning | |
Inconsistent Requirements Explanation | |
increasing chains | |
Incremental | |
Incremental Analysis | |
Incremental Maintenance | |
Incremental SAT | |
Indexed types | |
Indistinguishability | |
induction | |
induction principle | |
induction reasoning | |
induction rules | |
inductive datatypes | |
Inductive Definitions | |
Inductive invariants | |
Inductive Logic Programming | |
Inductive predicates | |
inductive theorem prover | |
Inductive Theorem Proving | |
inductive types | |
inductive validity cores | |
inductive-inductive types | |
Industrial application | |
industrial case | |
inference | |
inference attacks | |
infinitary and cyclic systems | |
Infinitary Proofs | |
infinitary rewriting | |
Infinite computation | |
infinite descent | |
infinite duration | |
infinite-state systems | |
Infinity-Categories | |
Infinity-Presheaves | |
information flow | |
information flow analysis | |
Information flow control | |
inner-approximations | |
innermost conditional narrowing | |
instantiation | |
Integer Arithmetic | |
Integer Transition Systems | |
integer weights | |
Integrated Development Environment | |
integrated verification | |
integration | |
integrity | |
Intension | |
Intensional Logic | |
Intensional Sets | |
Intensional Type Theory | |
intentions | |
interaction graphs | |
Interaction nets | |
Interactive system | |
interactive theorem prover | |
interactive theorem proving | |
interactive tool | |
Interface design | |
Interlocking | |
Intermediate Language for Verification | |
internal and external calculi | |
internal language | |
internal parametricity | |
Internet of Things | |
Interoperability | |
Interpolation | |
interprocedural analysis | |
Intersection Type Systems | |
intersection types | |
intersections | |
interval arithmetics | |
interval propagation | |
Intrinsic noise | |
intruder deduction problem | |
intuitionistic combinatorial proofs | |
Intuitionistic linear logic | |
Intuitionistic logic | |
Intuitionistic logic of constant domains | |
Intuitionistic mathematics | |
Intuitionistic modal logic | |
Invariant Generation | |
Invariants | |
Inverse Reinforcement Learning | |
IRM-calc | |
irrelevance | |
Isabelle | |
Isabelle Proof Assistant | |
Isabelle/HOL | |
Isabelle/HOL Theorem Proving | |
Isabelle/jEdit | |
IsaSAT | |
Isomorphism type | |
isotopy | |
Iterated Boolean games | |
J | |
JASP | |
Java | |
JDLV | |
jEdit | |
Jordan Normal Form | |
Judgemental Interpretation | |
Jupyter | |
K | |
k-safety verification | |
Kachinuki order | |
Kakutani's fixed point theorem | |
KeY | |
key set | |
kleptography | |
Knapsack | |
knot theory | |
Knowledge Acquisition | |
knowledge base paradigm | |
Knowledge based Reasoning | |
knowledge compilation | |
Knowledge Representation | |
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | |
knowledge-based noninterference | |
Knuth-Bendix criterion | |
Koat | |
L | |
labelled Markov chain | |
Labelled proof-systems | |
labelled sequent calculi | |
Labelled sequents | |
labelled systems | |
lambda calculi | |
lambda calculus | |
lambda calculus and combinatory logic | |
lambda prolog | |
lambda-calculus | |
lambda-encodings | |
lambda-free higher-order logic | |
lambda-prolog | |
lambda-tree syntax | |
Lambek calculus | |
lams | |
language based security | |
Language inclusion | |
large libraries | |
Large set | |
large theories | |
large-scale reasoning | |
lattice | |
Lattice Basis Reduction | |
lattice traversal | |
Layout algorithm | |
laziness | |
lazy | |
lazy evaluation | |
lazy grounding | |
lazy self-composition | |
Lean proof assistant | |
learning | |
Least general generalization | |
Leo-III | |
Leveled sequents | |
Likelihood weighting | |
Linear Arithmetic | |
Linear categories | |
Linear Category | |
linear clauses | |
linear cliquewidth | |
Linear Constraints | |
linear distributivity | |
linear logic | |
Linear polygraphs | |
Linear Programming | |
Linear Temporal Logic | |
linear term | |
linear time hierarchy | |
Linear Transformations | |
Linear Tree Constraints | |
linear/non-linear logic | |
Linearity | |
linearizability | |
Linearization | |
Lists | |
Literate programming | |
Liveness Analysis | |
LLVM | |
Local determinism | |
locale theory | |
Log analysis | |
logarithmic space computation | |
logic | |
logic for PTime | |
Logic for Teaching | |
Logic Meta-Programming | |
Logic of Here and There | |
Logic on Trees | |
logic programming | |
Logic Programming Applications | |
Logic Solvers | |
Logic Tools | |
Logic-based tools | |
Logical complexity | |
logical design | |
logical formalism | |
logical framework | |
Logical Frameworks | |
Logical models | |
logical paradoxes | |
logical predicates | |
Logical Regulatory Networks | |
Logical relations | |
logically constrained term rewriting systems | |
Logics for strategic reasoning | |
Logistics | |
LOIS | |
long-distance resolution | |
loop unrolling | |
Lower bound techniques | |
Lower Bounds | |
LPOD | |
LTLf | |
lucas interpretation | |
Lukasiewicz Logics | |
M | |
MAC | |
machine checked proofs | |
Machine Learning | |
Machine Learning Systems | |
machine words | |
magic states | |
Magic wand | |
Maple | |
MapReduce | |
Markov Decision Process | |
Markov decision processes | |
Markov processes | |
Martin-L\"{o}f type theory | |
Martin-Löf type theory | |
Mason's Marks | |
Master Theorem | |
mathematical analysis | |
Mathematical language | |
mathematical proof | |
Mathematics | |
Matita | |
Matrix Growth | |
Matrix Interpretation | |
Matrix semigroups | |
Maude | |
Maximum Satisfiability | |
MaxSAT | |
MAXSAT application | |
MaxSAT resolution | |
MaxSAT solving | |
maxSMT | |
MC-SAT | |
MCMT | |
Mean-payoff games | |
meaningless terms | |
mechanical reasoning | |
mechanised theorem proving | |
mechanized mathematics | |
mechanized meta-theory | |
Mechanized proofs | |
mechanized reasoning | |
Memoization | |
Memory | |
Memory Errors | |
memory isolation | |
memory model | |
message passing concurrency | |
Message Passing Interface | |
meta programming | |
meta-data library | |
Meta-Interpretive Learning | |
meta-programming | |
Meta-theory | |
Metamorphic Testing | |
Metareasoning | |
metatheory | |
Minimal models | |
Minimal unsatisfiability | |
Minimally strongly connected digraph | |
Minimisation | |
Mixed Arithmetic | |
Mixed Distributive Law | |
Mixed Integer Linear Programming | |
ML | |
Mobile robotics | |
modal fixpoint logic | |
modal logic | |
Modal logics | |
modal mu | |
modal mu calculus | |
Modal Type Theory | |
modalities | |
Model Animation | |
model checking | |
Model Checking Games | |
model construction | |
Model Counting | |
Model Expansion | |
model finding | |
model generation | |
Model learning | |
Model quality | |
Model Revision | |
model sampling | |
Model Theory | |
Model transformations | |
model-based engineering | |
Model-Based risk Analysis | |
model-based testing | |
model-checking | |
Model-checking first-order logic | |
model-checking problems | |
Model-level uncertainty | |
Modeling | |
Modeling and Specification | |
Modelling Languages | |
modelling secure protocols | |
models | |
Models of computation | |
Modular Analysis | |
modular approach | |
Modular Arithmetic | |
Modular System | |
Modular Tensor Category | |
modules | |
Molecular computing | |
Molecular Filters | |
Molecular programming | |
Monad | |
Monadic Second Order Logic | |
Monads | |
monitoring | |
monoidal categories | |
Monoidal Coalgebra Modality | |
monotone | |
Monotone complexity | |
Monotone proofs | |
monotonicity | |
Montague semantics | |
Montgomery Multiplication | |
MPI | |
MSO | |
MSO on Infinite Words | |
MSO on omega-Words | |
MSO transduction | |
mu-calculus | |
Multi Factor | |
Multi-agent systems | |
Multi-agent workflows | |
Multi-clock timed automata | |
Multi-graphs | |
multi-modelling | |
multi-objective optimization | |
Multi-objective synthesis | |
Multi-party computation | |
Multi-Pass Dynamic Programming | |
Multi-player games | |
Multi-Robot planning | |
Multi-valued Logic | |
multicategories | |
multiplayer games | |
multiplicative linear logic | |
Multiplier Verification | |
multitope | |
muMALL | |
N | |
N player games | |
nanoCoP | |
Nanofabricated Devices | |
narrowing | |
Nash equilibria | |
Nash equilibrium | |
Natural deduction | |
Natural language | |
natural language processing | |
natural language understanding | |
Natural mathematical language | |
natural proofs | |
Natural-style Proofs | |
Negation as failure | |
Negation in Logic Programming | |
Negative translations | |
neighbourhood singleton arc consistency | |
Nelson-Oppen | |
nested sequents | |
nested systems | |
Network Based Biocomputation | |
Network Intrusion Detection | |
Network-free simulation | |
networks of synchronized automata | |
neural network | |
neural networks | |
Newman's lemma | |
next state relation | |
Noise Reduction | |
nominal rewriting | |
nominal terms | |
nominal unification | |
nominalizations | |
non-clausal theorem proving | |
non-cnf | |
non-commutative | |
non-denoting terms | |
Non-Deterministic Automata | |
non-idempotency | |
non-idempotent intersection types | |
Non-interference | |
Non-interleaving semantics | |
Non-lawlike computability | |
non-linear arithmetic | |
Non-linear Real Arithmetic | |
Non-monotonic Reasoning | |
non-rigid terms | |
Non-Termination Bugs | |
Non-termination Proving | |
non-wellfounded proofs | |
non-zero sum games | |
nondeterminism | |
nonlinear integer arithmetic | |
NonMonotonic Semantics | |
nonmonotonic term orders | |
nonnegativity certificate | |
Normal Form | |
normal form bisimulation | |
normal forms | |
normalisation | |
Normalization | |
norms | |
Notation | |
Notebooks | |
novel applications domains | |
Nowhere dense graphs | |
Numerical Program Analysis | |
Nuprl | |
Nuprl proof assistant | |
nuxmv | |
O | |
o-minimality | |
OBDD | |
Object Constraint Language (OCL) | |
object-oriented | |
Object-oriented programs | |
observational equivalence | |
OCaml library | |
Ocra | |
odd-even network | |
omega-languages | |
Omega-regular languages | |
omega-regular objectives | |
OMT | |
Online Decomposition | |
Online Social Networks | |
ontologies | |
Ontology | |
Ontology Languages | |
Ontology Reasoning | |
open games | |
Open-WBO | |
OpenFlow | |
OpenJDK | |
OpenTheory | |
Operad | |
Operating System Verification | |
operational semantics | |
Operational Termination | |
opetope | |
Optical Networks on Chip | |
optimal propagation | |
Optimal Scheduling | |
Optimal Upper Bound | |
Optimisation | |
optimization | |
Optimization heuristics | |
Optimization Modulo Bit-Vectors | |
optimization techniques | |
optimizations | |
OR causality | |
oracle Turing machines | |
order invariant definability | |
order theory | |
ordered completion | |
ordered objectives | |
ordered structures | |
ordering | |
ordinal diagram system | |
Ordinary differential equation | |
ordinary differential equations | |
Origin | |
over-approximation | |
Overture | |
P | |
Paracoherent Answer Sets | |
Parallel computation | |
parallel improvements | |
Parallel Processing | |
parallelism | |
parameter optimization | |
parameter-free axioms | |
parameterised Boolean equation systems | |
Parameterised verification problem | |
parameterized AC^0 | |
Parameterized Algorithms | |
parameterized complexity | |
Parameterized Model Checking | |
parameterized systems | |
parameterized verification | |
Parametricity | |
parametrized systems | |
Parity Game | |
parity games | |
parsing | |
Partial algorithms in Coq | |
partial correctness | |
Partial Evaluation | |
Partial Functions | |
Partial models | |
partial order reduction | |
Partial-order reduction | |
path orderings | |
pattern matching | |
paycheck pronouns | |
PB constraints | |
PDL | |
PDR | |
PDR-Z3 | |
Peano arithmetic | |
Perfect masking | |
perfect samplers | |
permission inference | |
permission model | |
Permissions | |
Permutation problems | |
permutations | |
Persistent places | |
Petri nets | |
Phylostatic | |
Phylotastic | |
pi calculus | |
pi-caclulus | |
pi-calculus | |
Picat | |
Planning | |
Planning under uncertainty | |
pointer arithmetic | |
pointfree topology | |
polarity | |
Policing function | |
policy language | |
Policy Synthesis | |
polycategories | |
polygraph | |
polygraphs | |
Polyhedra Domain Analysis | |
Polymers | |
polymorphism | |
Polynomial Calculus | |
Polynomial Factorization | |
polynomial functor | |
Polynomial functors | |
Polynomial hierarchy | |
polynomial simulation | |
polynomial upper bounds | |
polynomial-time tractability | |
polytyptic programming | |
population protocols | |
port graphs | |
Portfolio | |
Portfolio Solver | |
Positive complexity | |
Post Correspondence Problem | |
power-law | |
precision medicine | |
precondition inference | |
predecessor function | |
predicate | |
Predicate Abstraction | |
preference | |
Preference Logic | |
Preference Modeling | |
Preferential Logics | |
prefix-constrained term rewriting | |
premature convergence | |
preprocessing | |
presheaf models | |
presheaf semantics | |
Presheaves | |
presupposition | |
pretty printing | |
primary key | |
Prime Numbers | |
priorities | |
Privacy | |
Privacy-type properties | |
proactive security | |
probabilistic | |
Probabilistic Algorithm | |
probabilistic bisimilarity | |
probabilistic bisimilarity distance | |
Probabilistic Boolean Program | |
Probabilistic computation | |
probabilistic CTL | |
probabilistic finite automata | |
probabilistic games | |
Probabilistic graphical models | |
Probabilistic Inductive Logic Programming | |
probabilistic lambda-calculus | |
Probabilistic Logic | |
Probabilistic logic programming | |
Probabilistic model checking | |
Probabilistic planning | |
Probabilistic programs | |
probabilistic reasoning | |
Probabilistic rewriting | |
Probabilistic Satisfiability | |
Probabilistic State Space Exploration | |
probabilistic systems | |
Probabilistic Timed Automata | |
probabilistic verification | |
probability | |
problem database | |
problem encodings and reformulations | |
problem fingerprinting | |
procedural interpretation | |
process calculi | |
process calculus | |
product types | |
profunctor | |
Program Analysis | |
Program Derivation | |
Program extraction | |
Program invariant | |
Program Projection | |
program refinement | |
program specialisation | |
Program Synthesis | |
program transformation | |
program transformations | |
Program translation | |
Program Verification | |
programming language semantics | |
programming languages | |
programming logic | |
programming paradigm | |
Programming-by-Example | |
progress measure | |
Projected Model Counting | |
Projective plane | |
Prolog | |
Prompt LTL | |
Proof | |
proof assistant | |
proof assistants | |
proof automation | |
proof by reflection | |
proof checker | |
Proof checking | |
proof complexity | |
proof compression | |
proof engineering | |
proof guidance | |
proof identity | |
Proof Method Recommendation | |
Proof Mining | |
Proof nets | |
proof of univalence | |
proof schema | |
proof search | |
proof semantics | |
Proof System | |
proof systems | |
proof terms | |
Proof theory | |
proof theory of modal logic | |
proof-as-program | |
Proof-checker | |
proof-relevant | |
Proof-relevant logic | |
proof-search | |
proof-theoretic semantics | |
proof-theoretical linear semantics | |
proofs | |
Proofs by reflection | |
proofs-as-programs | |
property directed reachability | |
property falsification | |
Property Specification Patterns | |
property-based testing | |
Propositional Dynamic Logic | |
propositional implicational intuitionistic logic | |
propositional logic | |
propositional model counting | |
Propositional Resizing | |
PROPs | |
Protocol Verification | |
protokernel | |
prototyping | |
prover | |
Prover IDE | |
Prover Trident | |
proximity relation | |
Pseudo-Boolean | |
Pseudo-Boolean Optimisation | |
Pseudo-Boolean Solving | |
Pushdown systems with transductions | |
PVS | |
python | |
Q | |
Q-Resolution | |
QBF | |
QBF calculi | |
QDimacs | |
QRAT | |
Qualitative Reasoning | |
qualitative spatial reasoning | |
qualitattive spatial reasoning | |
quantale relator | |
quantification | |
Quantified Bit-Vectors | |
quantified boolean formula | |
Quantified Boolean Formulas | |
Quantified Circuit | |
quantified modal logic | |
quantified modal logics | |
quantified resolution asymmetric tautology | |
Quantifier | |
quantifier elimination | |
quantifier instantiation | |
quantifier rank | |
Quantifier-free Theory of Arrays | |
quantifiers | |
quantitative algebraic reasoning | |
Quantitative Analysis | |
quantitative information flow | |
Quantitative Model Checking | |
Quantitative Objective | |
Quantitative Semantics for Temporal Logic | |
quantum computation | |
Quantum Computing | |
Quantum functional languages | |
quantum program | |
Quantum Programming | |
Quasi-inverse | |
queries | |
query | |
Query Answering | |
Query Enumeration | |
Query Optimization | |
Question Answering | |
Quicksort | |
Quotation and evaluation | |
quotient inductive types | |
quotients | |
R | |
Railway | |
railway interlocking systems | |
Ramsey theory | |
Random Algorithms | |
random generation | |
random parity equations | |
random sample voting | |
random SAT | |
random variables | |
randomised | |
Randomization | |
randomized algorithm | |
Randomized algorithms | |
RankFinder | |
ranking functions | |
Rare Event Simulation | |
Rating of Geometric Provers | |
Rational closure | |
Rational synthesis | |
rationality | |
RBAC | |
Re-composition | |
reach-avoid specification | |
reachability | |
reachability analysis | |
Reachability analysis of nonlinear systems | |
reachability logic | |
Reachability problem | |
Reachable set over-approximation | |
reactive programs | |
reactive synthesis | |
read-once branching programs | |
real algebraic geometry | |
Real Analysis | |
Real Arithetmic | |
Real Cohesive Homotopy Type Theory | |
Real Numbers | |
real roots | |
real-time | |
real-time logic TCTL | |
Real-world applications | |
realisability | |
Realizability | |
Reasoning about Actions and Change | |
Reasoning about syntax | |
recognizability | |
record types | |
Recursion | |
recursion-free constrained Horn clause | |
Recursion-theoretic characterisations | |
Recursive functions | |
Recursive types | |
recursively enumerable | |
Reduction | |
Reduction orderings | |
Reduction semantics | |
reduction to SAT | |
Reductive cut elimination | |
Redundancy-free Proof-Search | |
refactoring | |
refinement | |
refinement logic | |
Reflection | |
Reformulation | |
register machines | |
Regression Tree | |
Regular Datalog | |
regular expressions | |
regular languages | |
regular tree grammar | |
regularity preservation | |
reification | |
Reinforcement Learning | |
relational databases | |
relational model | |
relational reasoning | |
relational semantics | |
relational theory | |
Relational Verification | |
Relative Correctness | |
relative entropy programming | |
relative soundness results | |
Relevance Logic | |
Reliable | |
rely-guarantee | |
rely/guarantee concurrency | |
remote build | |
replaceability | |
Requirement Analysis | |
requirements analysis | |
requirements based testing | |
Requirements Engineering | |
Requirements specification | |
Resolution | |
Resolution Calculi | |
resource calculus | |
Resource Usage Analysis | |
Resource-aware | |
Restart | |
restricted chase | |
Reverse mathematics | |
Reversibility | |
Rewrite Rules | |
Rewrite system | |
Rewrite Systems | |
rewriting | |
ribbon categories | |
Rice's theorem | |
rich logic | |
Richard Montague | |
Richman games | |
Riesz modal logic | |
right lifting property | |
Ring Theory | |
Robotic | |
robotic planning | |
robust declassification | |
robustness | |
Robustness guided falsification | |
Role-Based Access Control | |
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) | |
roundoff error | |
Rule-base modeling | |
rule-based language | |
Rule-based modelling | |
Rule-Based Programming | |
Rule-Based Systems | |
rules | |
rules of the road | |
Run-time Checks | |
Runtime complexity | |
runtime verification | |
S | |
S5 | |
safe schemes | |
safety | |
safety critical | |
Safety properties | |
safety verification | |
SAT | |
SAT and BDD-based decision procedures | |
SAT encoding | |
SAT modulo theories | |
SAT problem | |
SAT Solver | |
SAT solvers | |
SAT solving | |
SAT-based Optimization | |
Sat4j | |
Satisfiability | |
Satisfiability Checking | |
Satisfiability Modulo Constraint Handling Rules | |
Satisfiability Modulo Theories | |
Satisfiability Modulo Theory | |
satisfiability threshold | |
Satisfiablity Modulo Theories | |
SATsolvers | |
Scaling | |
Scheduling | |
Scoped channels | |
Scrambling | |
search | |
Search space pruning | |
Second Order Logic | |
second order quantifiers | |
second-order quantification | |
secure channels | |
Secure compilation | |
Secure multiparty computation | |
securitisation | |
Security | |
security definitions | |
Security Management | |
Security Policy | |
security protocols | |
security verification | |
selection network | |
self-composition | |
Self-Driving vehicle | |
semantic forgetting | |
Semantic model | |
semantic parsing | |
semantics | |
semantics of programming languages | |
Semantics preservation | |
semidefinite programming | |
semisimplicial type | |
sensibility | |
sensitivity analysis | |
Sentence Planning | |
separability | |
separation | |
separation logic | |
Separations | |
sequent calculus | |
Sequential algorithms | |
sequential types | |
session types | |
Set Membership | |
Set Theory | |
sets with atoms | |
shapes for higher-dimensional structure | |
shared-variable concurrent programs | |
sharing | |
sharpness | |
shuffling calculus | |
side conditions | |
Side-channel attack | |
side-channels | |
Sign-off | |
simple proof assistant | |
simple types | |
Simplicial sets | |
Simplicial Type Theory | |
Simply typed lambda calculus | |
simply typed lambda terms | |
simulation | |
Simulation of Turing Machines | |
Simulink | |
Simulink-based development | |
singleton arc consistency | |
Singular DP-reduction | |
Size | |
Skeptical Approach | |
Skolem functions | |
skolemization | |
SLD-resolution | |
Smart Buildings | |
Smart Contract Verification | |
Smart contracts | |
smart grid | |
SMT | |
SMT Solver | |
SMT solvers | |
SMT Solving | |
SMT-based model checking | |
SMT-solving | |
Soft constraints | |
Software as a Service | |
software design | |
software development | |
Software Engineering | |
software formal verification | |
Software model checking | |
software model-checking | |
Software Product Lines | |
Software Testing | |
Software Tools | |
software verification | |
Software-Defined Networking | |
software-defined networks | |
solving equations | |
sound up-to techniques | |
Soundness | |
Space | |
SPARK2014 and Critical Ada Software | |
Spatial Reasoning | |
Species of Structures | |
specification | |
Specification Language | |
Specification-based monitoring | |
Splitting | |
SQL | |
Ssreflect | |
Stability | |
stable model | |
stable model semantics | |
Stack-Based Access Control | |
star-autonomous categories | |
State Complexity | |
state injection | |
State machine | |
State monad | |
state space minimisation | |
State-space abstraction | |
stateful protocols | |
Static Analysis | |
static analyzers | |
static dependency pairs | |
static equivalence problem | |
Static Profiling | |
Static program analysis | |
static semantics | |
Statistical Model Checking | |
Statistical relational learning | |
stepwise development | |
stereotypical activities | |
Stochastic Chemical Reaction Networks | |
Stochastic dynamical systems and control | |
stochastic games | |
Stochastic hybrid system | |
stochastic lambda calculus | |
Stochastic modeling | |
stochastic models | |
Stochastic multi-scenario optimization | |
stochastic reachability | |
stochastic shortest path | |
Stochastic simulation | |
Stone space | |
Straight-Line Graphs | |
strategic graph rewriting | |
strategies | |
strategy languages | |
Strategy Logic | |
Strategy synthesis | |
Streaming string transducers | |
Streams | |
Streett objectives | |
strict inequalities | |
Strict partial orders | |
strictification | |
string data structure | |
string data structures | |
string diagram | |
string diagrams | |
string rewriting | |
strings | |
strong sums | |
strongest postcondition | |
strongly normalizable terms | |
Structural modeling | |
Structural Operational Semantics | |
structural proof theory | |
structural rules | |
structure theory | |
stubborn sets | |
subject reduction | |
substitutability | |
Substitution | |
substructural calculus | |
subterm convergent theories | |
Subtyping | |
succinct ordered tree coding | |
sums of nonnegative circuit polynomials | |
sums of squares | |
sums-of-squares | |
superposition | |
swarms | |
SyGuS | |
Sylleptic categories | |
Symbolic Algorithms | |
Symbolic Analysis | |
symbolic automata | |
symbolic behavioral semantics | |
symbolic computation | |
symbolic constraints | |
symbolic cryptography | |
Symbolic evaluation | |
Symbolic Execution | |
symbolic heap | |
Symbolic heaps | |
Symbolic model | |
symbolic models | |
symbolic sampling | |
symbolic security | |
Symmetric monoidal categories | |
Symmetries | |
Symmetry Breaking | |
Symmetry reduction | |
Symmetry Rule | |
Symmetry-Breaking Predicates | |
Synchronization | |
synchronizations | |
Synchronous Programming | |
syntactic models | |
syntax | |
Syntax guided synthesis | |
syntax of type theory | |
Syntax-Guided Synthesis | |
Synthesis | |
Synthetic Biology | |
Synthetic Data | |
Synthetic Geometry | |
Synthetic Topology | |
system architectures | |
System Composition | |
system description | |
system F | |
System Verification | |
System-based design | |
Systematic Testing | |
systematicity | |
Systems Biology | |
Systems decomposition | |
Systems of recursion equations | |
syzygies | |
T | |
Tableau calculus | |
tableaux | |
tabling | |
tactics | |
tail bound | |
taint analysis | |
Taylor expansion | |
Taylor expansion of lambda-terms | |
Taylor models | |
TCP server | |
teaching | |
Teaching computer science with proof assistants | |
Technology | |
templates | |
Temporal Answer Set Programming | |
Temporal Logic | |
temporal logic of repeating values | |
Temporal logics | |
Temporal Verification | |
Tensor logic | |
tensorflow | |
tensorial logic | |
Term graph transformation | |
term orderings | |
term rewriting | |
term rewriting systems | |
termination | |
termination analysis | |
termination proofs | |
Termination Proving | |
termination tools | |
test case generation | |
Testing | |
text documents | |
text-based interaction | |
textual inference | |
The Coq Proof Assistant | |
the MRDP theorem | |
The Santa Claus Problem | |
theorem proving | |
Theorem Proving by Induction | |
theories | |
Theory of Computation | |
threads | |
Time complexity Analysis | |
Time Models | |
Time Refinement | |
Time-varying graphs | |
Timed automata | |
timed systems | |
timed-arc Petri nets | |
timing | |
timing attacks | |
timing transformations | |
TLS | |
tool | |
Tool paper | |
toolkit | |
top tree | |
top-down | |
topologicai logics | |
Topological Quantum Computation | |
topos theory | |
total correctness | |
Total Store Ordering | |
Totalizer | |
tptp | |
Trace semantics | |
traceability | |
traced monoidal categories | |
Traffic Scenarios | |
Trajectory | |
transcendental syntax | |
transducers | |
transduction | |
transition system | |
Transitive Closure | |
Transitive closure logic | |
Translation | |
Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) | |
translations | |
treap | |
Tree | |
tree automata | |
tree automata completion | |
tree constraints | |
Tree Decompositions | |
tree-depth | |
Trees | |
treewidth | |
tripos | |
true concurrency | |
truncation levels | |
Trust Management | |
trusted code base | |
trusted computing base | |
Tseitin formulas | |
tuple-generating dependencies | |
Turing degrees | |
tutoring | |
Two player games | |
two-level type theory | |
two-player games | |
Two-player win/lose | |
two-variable logic | |
type classes | |
Type Inference | |
type inference and type inhabitation | |
type inhabitation | |
type refinement systems | |
type system | |
type systems | |
type theory | |
Type-based Development | |
type-logical grammar | |
typed assembly languages | |
typed lambda calculus | |
typing results | |
U | |
UD | |
Ultrametrics | |
UML | |
unambiguous | |
unary negation fragment | |
Uncertain planning | |
Uncertainty | |
Uncountability | |
Undecidability | |
under-approximations | |
unification | |
unification problem | |
uniform interpolation | |
uniform intersection types | |
uniform one-dimensional fragment | |
uniform proof | |
Uniform quasi-wideness | |
uniform substitution | |
Unifying Theories of Programming | |
Uninterpreted Function Symbols | |
unions | |
unions of relations | |
unique normal form property | |
unit equality | |
unit propagation | |
unit testing | |
Univalence | |
univalence axiom | |
univalent foundations | |
universal algebra | |
universal IDE | |
Universe | |
universes | |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems | |
unraveling | |
Unsatisfiability proof generation | |
untyped call by value lambda calculus | |
untyped lambda calculus | |
Unweighted Partial MaxSAT | |
Usability | |
user interface | |
Utility Theory | |
V | |
vacuity | |
Vacuity Checking | |
validation | |
Validation and verification | |
value iteration | |
vampire | |
variant analysis | |
VC-density | |
VC-dimension | |
VDM | |
VDM-RT | |
VDMJ | |
vector addition systems with states | |
vector Lyapunov functions | |
Vehicle-to-Vehicle | |
verifiable electronic voting | |
Verification | |
verified compilation | |
verified compiler | |
Verified Prover | |
Vienna Development Method (VDM) | |
view | |
View abstraction | |
Virtual Machine | |
virtual physiological human | |
Visualization | |
Volume Computation | |
Volume Estimation | |
Von Neumann-Morgenstern Utility Theorem | |
VSCode | |
W | |
watchlist guidance | |
WCET analysis | |
weak diamond property | |
Weak Memory | |
weak memory models | |
Weak omega category theory | |
weak subgame perfect equilibria | |
weak units | |
weakest precondition | |
weakness | |
Web Service Composition | |
Web services | |
Web services composition | |
Weighted MaxSAT | |
weighted model counting | |
Weighted timed automata | |
well-founded relations | |
Well-foundedness | |
while programs with atoms | |
wide-spectrum language | |
Wireless Networks | |
witness generation | |
Witnessing | |
witnessing theorems | |
wordnet | |
Workflows | |
World View Constraints | |
World View Rules | |
Wreath Products | |
WS1S | |
WSN | |
WV Facts | |
X | |
XSB | |
Y | |
Yoneda isomorphism | |
Z | |
Zariski topology | |
zw calculus | |
zx calculus | |
α | |
α-conversion |