A Verified Simple Prover for First-Order Logic

Authors: Jørgen Villadsen, Anders Schlichtkrull and Andreas Halkjær From

Paper Information

Title:A Verified Simple Prover for First-Order Logic
Authors:Jørgen Villadsen, Anders Schlichtkrull and Andreas Halkjær From
Proceedings:PAAR papers
Editors: Boris Konev, Josef Urban and Philipp Ruemmer
Keywords:First-Order Logic, Verified Prover, Isabelle/HOL

ABSTRACT. We present a simple prover for first-order logic with certified soundness and completeness in Isabelle/HOL, taking formalizations by Tom Ridge and others as the starting point, but with the aim of using the approach for teaching logic and verification to computer science students at the bachelor level. The prover is simple in the following sense: It is purely functional and can be executed with rewriting rules or as code generation to a number of functional programming languages. The prover uses no higher-order functions, that is, no function takes a function as argument or returns a function as its result. This is advantageous when students perform rewriting steps by hand. The prover uses the logic of first-order logic on negation normal form with a term language consisting of only variables. This subset of the full syntax of first-order logic allows for a simple proof system without resorting to the much weaker propositional logic.

Talk:Jul 19 11:00 (Session 132D: Automated Reasoning I)