Hybrid System Modeling of Multi-Agent Coverage Problems with Energy Depletion and Repletion

Authors: Xiangyu Meng, Arian Houshmand and Christos G. Cassandras

Paper Information

Title:Hybrid System Modeling of Multi-Agent Coverage Problems with Energy Depletion and Repletion
Authors:Xiangyu Meng, Arian Houshmand and Christos G. Cassandras
Proceedings:ADHS Full papers
Editor: Alessandro Abate
Keywords:aaa, bbb, ccc

ABSTRACT. We present a hybrid system model describing the behavior of multiple agents cooperating to solve an optimal coverage problem under energy depletion and repletion constraints. The model captures the controlled switching of agents between coverage (when energy is depleted) and battery charging (when energy is replenished) modes. Our analysis contains three parts. The first part shows how the model guarantees the feasibility of the coverage problem by defining a guard function on each agent’s battery level to prevent it from dying on its way to a charging station. The second part provides two scheduling algorithms to solve the contention problem of agents competing for the only charging station in the mission space. The third part shows the optimality of the motion plan adopted in the proposed model.

Talk:Jul 12 15:15 (Session 76B: Networked systems)