Authors | Title | Paper | Talk |
Yu Wang, Nima Roohi, Mahesh Viswanathan, Geir E. Dullerud and Matthew West | Statistical Verification of PCTL Using Stratified Samples |  | Jul 11 14:50 |
Carlos Renato Vazquez, David Gómez-Gutiérrez and Antonio Ramirez-Trevino | Observability of Linear Hybrid Systems with Unknown Inputs and Discrete Dynamics Modeled by Petri Nets |  | Jul 12 11:15 |
Tjorben Groß, Stephan Trenn and Andreas Wirsen | Switch induced instabilities for stable power system DAE models |  | Jul 11 17:00 |
Amanda Abreu, Romain Bourdais and Herve Gueguen | Hierarchical Model Predictive Control for Building Energy Management of Hybrid Systems |  | Jul 12 16:35 |
André Marcorin de Oliveira, Vineeth Satheeskumar Varma, Romain Postoyan, Irinel Constantin Morarescu, Jamal Daafouz and Oswaldo Luiz V. Costa | Network-Aware Design of State-Feedback Controllers for Linear Wireless Networked Control Systems |  | Jul 12 14:00 |
Irinel Constantin Morarescu, Vineeth Satheeskumar Varma, Lucian Busoniu and Samson Lasaulce | Space-Time Budget Allocation for Marketing Over Social Networks |  | Jul 12 14:25 |
Hoang-Dung Tran, Weiming Xiang, Stanley Bak and Taylor T Johnson | Reachability Analysis for One Dimensional Linear Parabolic Equation |  | Jul 12 10:50 |
Alina Eqtami and Antoine Girard | Safety Control, a Quantitative Approach |  | Jul 12 14:25 |
Victor Dolk, Menno Lauret, Duarte Antunes, Patrick Anderson and Maurice Heemels | A switched system approach to optimize mixing of fluids |  | Jul 11 11:15 |
Bacem Ben Nasser, Michael Defoort, Mohamed Djemai and Taous-Meriem Laleg-Kirati | Razumikhin-type Theorems on Practical Stability of Dynamic Equations on Time Scales |  | Jul 11 16:35 |
Ulrich Fahrenberg | Higher-Dimensional Timed Automata |  | Jul 11 17:00 |
Chuchu Fan, Yu Meng, Jürgen Maier, Ezio Bartocci, Sayan Mitra and Ulrich Schmid | Verifying nonlinear analog and mixed-signal circuits with inputs |  | Jul 12 17:00 |
Fatima Zohra Taousser, Michael Defoort, Mohamed Djemai and Seddik Djouadi | Stability of switched systems on non-uniform time domains with non commuting matrices |  | Jul 11 11:40 |
Sadegh Soudjani and Rupak Majumdar | Concentration of Measure for Chance-Constrained Optimization |  | Jul 13 11:40 |
Ivan Zapreev, Cees Verdier and Manuel Mazo Jr. | Optimal Symbolic Controllers Determinization for BDD storage. |  | Jul 11 10:50 |
Alexandre Rocca, Marcelo Forets, Victor Magron, Eric Fanchon and Thao Dang | Occupation Measure Methods for Modelling and Analysis of Biological Hybrid Systems |  | Jul 12 14:00 |
Gabriella Fiore, Elena De Santis, Giordano Pola and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto | On Approximate Predictability of Metric Systems |  | Jul 12 11:40 |
Xiangyu Meng, Arian Houshmand and Christos G. Cassandras | Hybrid System Modeling of Multi-Agent Coverage Problems with Energy Depletion and Repletion |  | Jul 12 15:15 |
Brandon Bohrer, Adriel Luo, Xue An Chuang and Andre Platzer | CoasterX: A Case Study in Component-Driven Hybrid Systems Proof Automation |  | Jul 11 14:25 |
Yorai Wardi, Carla Seatzu and Magnus Egerstedt | Tracking Control via Variable-gain Integrator and Lookahead Simulation: Application to Leader-follower Multiagent Networks |  | Jul 12 14:50 |
Kengo Kido, Sean Sedwards and Ichiro Hasuo | Bounding Errors Due to Switching Delays in Incrementally Stable Switched Systems |  | Jul 12 16:10 |
Ashok Krishnan, Mohasha Isuru Sampath, Yi Shyh Eddy Foo, Bhagyesh Patil and H. B. Gooi | Multi-Energy Scheduling Using a Hybrid Systems Approach |  | Jul 12 16:10 |
Marcell Vazquez-Chanlatte, Shromona Ghosh, Vasumathi Raman, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and Sanjit Seshia | Generating Dominant Strategies for Continuous Two-Player Zero-Sum Games |  | Jul 11 11:15 |
Abolfazl Lavaei, Sadegh Soudjani and Majid Zamani | Compositional Synthesis of Finite Abstractions for Continuous-Space Stochastic Control Systems: A Small-Gain Approach |  | Jul 13 10:50 |
Stanley Bak | T-Barrier Certificates: A Continuous Analogy to K-Induction |  | Jul 12 11:40 |
Yuriy Zacchia Lun, Jack Wheatley, Alessandro D'Innocenzo and Alessandro Abate | Approximate Abstractions of Markov Chains with Interval Decision Processes |  | Jul 11 15:15 |
Adrien Le Coent, Laurent Fribourg and Jonathan Vacher | Control Synthesis for Stochastic Switched Systems Using the Tamed Euler Method |  | Jul 12 17:00 |
Adnane Saoud, Pushpak Jagtap, Majid Zamani and Antoine Girard | Compositional Abstraction-based Synthesis for Cascade Discrete-Time Control Systems |  | Jul 11 11:40 |
Oscar Bulancea Lindvall, Petter Nilsson and Necmiye Ozay | Nonuniform abstractions, refinement and controller synthesis with novel BDD encodings |  | Jul 11 12:05 |
Nathalie Margaret Cauchi and Alessandro Abate | Benchmarks for Cyber-Physical Systems: A Modular Model Library for Building Automation Systems |  | Jul 11 14:00 |
Sofie Haesaert, Sadegh Soudjani and Alessandro Abate | Temporal Logic Control of General Markov Decision Processes by Approximate Policy Refinement |  | Jul 11 14:00 |
Murat Cubuktepe, Mohamadreza Ahmadi, Ufuk Topcu and Brandon Hencey | Compositional Analysis of Hybrid Systems Defined Over Finite Alphabets |  | Jul 11 16:10 |
Marc Jungers, Antoine Girard and Mirko Fiacchini | Language constrained stabilization of discrete- time switched linear systems: an LMI approach |  | Jul 11 10:50 |
Henk A.P. Blom, Hao Ma and Bert G.J. Bakker | Interacting Particle System-Based Estimation of Reach Probability for a Generalized Stochastic Hybrid System |  | Jul 11 14:25 |
Ronald Robert Paul van Nooijen and Alla G. Kolechkina | A controlled sewer system should be treated as a sampled data system with events |  | Jul 11 14:50 |
Julien Alexandre Dit Sandretto, Elliot Brendel and Alexandre Chapoutot | An Interval-Based Sliding Horizon Motion Planning Method |  | Jul 13 14:50 |
Shakiba Yaghoubi and Georgios Fainekos | Falsification of Temporal Logic Requirements Using Gradient Based Local Search in Space and Time |  | Jul 11 16:35 |
Benoît Legat, Paulo Tabuada and Raphaël M. Jungers | Computing Controlled Invariant Sets for Hybrid Systems with Applications to Model-Predictive Control |  | Jul 12 14:50 |
Sofie Haesaert, Petter Nilsson, Cristian-Ioan Vasile, Thakker Rohan, Ali-Akbar Agha-Mohammadi, Aaron Ames and Richard M. Murray | Temporal Logic Control of POMDPs Via Label-Based Stochastic Simulation Relations |  | Jul 13 11:15 |
Luan Nguyen, Bardh Hoxha, Taylor T Johnson and Georgios Fainekos | Mission Planning for Multiple Vehicles with Temporal Specifications using UxAS |  | Jul 11 15:15 |
Kanishka Raj Singh, Yuhao Ding, Necmiye Ozay and Sze Zheng Yong | Input Design for Nonlinear Model Discrimination Via Affine Abstraction |  | Jul 12 12:05 |
Souradeep Dutta, Susmit Jha, Sriram Sankaranarayanan and Ashish Tiwari | Learning and Verification of Feedback Control Systems Using Feedforward Neural Networks |  | Jul 12 12:05 |
Ariadna Estrada and Ian M. Mitchell | Control Synthesis and Classification for Unicycle Dynamics Using the Gradient and Value Sampling Particle Filters |  | Jul 13 14:25 |
Hyejin Han and Ricardo Sanfelice | Sufficient Conditions for Temporal Logic Specifications in Hybrid Dynamical Systems |  | Jul 11 16:10 |
Tareq Hamadneh and Rafal Wisniewski | Algorithm for Bernstein Polynomial Control Design |  | Jul 13 14:00 |
Manish Goyal and Parasara Sridhar Duggirala | On Generating A Variety of Unsafe Counterexamples for Linear Dynamical Systems |  | Jul 12 11:15 |
Nikolaos Athanasopoulos and Raphaël M. Jungers | On invariance and reachability on semialgebraic sets for linear dynamics |  | Jul 11 12:05 |
Francesco Smarra, Achin Jain, Rahul Mangharam and Alessandro D'Innocenzo | Data-Driven Switched Affine Modeling for Model Predictive Control |  | Jul 12 15:15 |
Zohra Kader, Antoine Girard and Adnane Saoud | Symbolic Models for Incrementally Stable Switched Systems with Aperiodic Time Sampling |  | Jul 12 16:35 |
Kwesi Rutledge, Sze Zheng Yong and Necmiye Ozay | Optimization-Based Design of Bounded-Error Estimators Robust to Missing Data |  | Jul 12 10:50 |