Using SMT engine to generate Symbolic Automata

Authors: Eric Madelaine, Simon Bliutze, Xudong Qin and Min Zhang

Paper Information

Title:Using SMT engine to generate Symbolic Automata
Authors:Eric Madelaine, Simon Bliutze, Xudong Qin and Min Zhang
Proceedings:AVOCS Pre-proceedings
Editors: David Pichardie and Mihaela Sighireanu
Keywords:symbolic behavioral semantics, compositional analysis of software systems, networks of synchronized automata

ABSTRACT. Open pNets are used to model the behaviour of open systems, both synchronous or asynchronous, expressed in various calculi or languages. They are endowed with a symbolic operational semantics in terms of so-called “Open Automata”. This allows to check properties of such systems in a compositional manner. We implement an algorithm computing this semantics, building predicates expressing the synchronization conditions between the events of the pNet sub-systems. Checking such predicates requires symbolic reasoning over first order logics, but also over application-specific data. We use the Z3 SMT engine to check satisfiability of the predicates, and prune the open automaton of its unsatisfiable transitions. As an industrial oriented use-case, we use so-called "architectures" for BIP systems, that have been used in the framework of an ESA project and to specify the control software of a nanosatellite at the EPFL Space Engineering Center. We use pNets to encode a BIP architecture extended with explicit data, and compute its open automaton semantics. This automaton may be used to prove behavioural properties; we give 2 examples, a safety and a liveness property.

Talk:Jul 19 11:00 (Session 132A: AVoCS Regular Papers 3)