Authors | Title | Paper | Talk |
Jan Steffen Becker | Analyzing Consistency of Formal Requirements |  | Jul 18 16:00 | Claire Dross, Guillaume Foliard, Théo Jouanny, Lionel Matias, Stuart Matthews, Jean-Marc Mota, Yannick Moy, Pascal Pignard and Romain Soulat | Climbing the Software Assurance Ladder - Practical Formal Verification for Reliable Software |  | Jul 19 11:30 | Rebeka Farkas, Tamás Tóth, Ákos Hajdu and András Vörös | Backward reachability analysis for timed automata with data variables |  | Jul 18 11:30 | Radu Iosif and Cristina Serban | An Entailment Checker for Separation Logic with Inductive Definitions |  | Jul 18 12:00 | Najes Jomaa, Paolo Torrini, David Nowak, Gilles Grimaud and Samuel Hym | Proof-Oriented Design of a Separation Kernel with Minimal Trusted Computing Base |  | Jul 19 16:30 | Eduard Kamburjan | Detecting Deadlocks in Formal System Models with Condition Synchronization |  | Jul 18 11:00 | Christophe Limbrée and Charles Pecheur | A Framework for the Formal Verification of Networks of Railway Interlockings - Application to the Belgian Railways |  | Jul 19 12:00 | Eric Madelaine, Simon Bliutze, Xudong Qin and Min Zhang | Using SMT engine to generate Symbolic Automata |  | Jul 19 11:00 | Jessica Petrasch, Jan-Hendrik Oepen, Sebastian Krings and Moritz Gericke | Writing a Model Checker in 80 Days: Reusable Libraries and Custom Implementation |  | Jul 18 17:00 | Nicolas Schnepf, Rémi Badonnel, Abdelkader Lahmadi and Stephan Merz | Rule-Based Synthesis of Chains of Security Functions for Software-Defined Networks |  | Jul 19 16:00 | Matt Webster, Michael Breza, Clare Dixon, Michael Fisher and Julie McCann | Formal Verification of Synchronisation, Gossip and Environmental Effects for Critical IoT Systems |  | Jul 18 16:30 |