Editors: David Pichardie and Mihaela Sighireanu
Authors, Title and Abstract | Paper | Talk |
ABSTRACT. In the development of safety-critical embedded systems, requirements-driven approaches are widely used. Expressing functional requirements in formal languages enables reasoning and formal testing. This paper proposes the Simplified Universal Pattern (SUP) as an easy to use formalism and compares it to SPS, another commonly used specification pattern system. Consistency is an important property of requirements that can be checked already in early design phases. However, formal definitions of consistency are rare in literature and tent to be either too weak or computationally too complex to be applicable to industrial systems. Therefor this work proposes a new formal consistency notion, called partial consistency, for the SUP that is a trade-off between exhaustiveness and complexity. Partial consistency identifies critical cases and verifies if these cause conflicts between requirements. | ![]() | Jul 18 16:00 |
ABSTRACT. There is a strong link between software quality and software reliability. By decreasing the probability of imperfection in the software, we can augment its reliability guarantees. At one extreme, software with one unknown bug is not reliable. At the other extreme, perfect software is fully reliable. Formal verification with SPARK has been used for years to get as close as possible to zero-defect software. We present the well-established processes surrounding the use of SPARK at Altran UK, as well as the deployment experiments performed at Thales to fine-tune the gradual insertion of formal verification techniques in existing processes. Experience of both long-term and new users helped us define adoption and usage guidelines for SPARK based on five levels of increasing assurance that map well with industrial needs in practice. | ![]() | Jul 19 11:30 |
ABSTRACT. Efficient techniques for reachability analysis of timed automata are zone-based methods that explore the reachable state space from the initial state, and SMT-based methods that perform backward search from the target states. It is also possible to perform backward exploration based on zones, but calculating predecessor states for systems with data variables is computationally expensive, prohibiting the successful application of this approach so far. In this paper we overcome this problem by combining the zone-based backward exploration algorithm with the weakest precondition operation for data variables. This combination allows us to handle diagonal constraints efficiently as opposed to zone-based forward search where most approaches require additional operations to ensure correctness. We demonstrate the applicability and compare the efficiency of the algorithm to existing forward exploration approaches by measurements performed on industrial case studies. We show that data variables can be handled efficiently by the weakest precondition operation but the large number of target states often prevents successful verification. | ![]() | Jul 18 11:30 |
ABSTRACT. In this paper, we present Inductor, a checker for entailments between mutually recursive predicates, whose inductive definitions contain ground constraints belonging to the quantifier-free fragment of Separation Logic. Our tool implements a proof-search method for a cyclic proof system that we have shown to be sound and complete, under certain semantic restrictions involving the set of constraints in a given inductive system. Dedicated decision procedures from the DPLL(T)-based SMT solver CVC4 are used to establish the satisfiability of Separation Logic formulae. Given inductive predicate definitions, an entailment query, and a proof-search strategy, Inductor uses a compact tree structure to explore all derivations enabled by the strategy. A successful result is accompanied by a proof, while an unsuccessful one is supported by a counterexample. | ![]() | Jul 18 12:00 |
ABSTRACT. The development of provably secure OS kernels represents a fundamental step in the creation of safe and secure systems. To this aim, we propose the notion of protokernel and an implementation --- the Pip protokernel --- as a separation kernel whose trusted computing base is reduced to its bare bones, essentially providing separation of tasks in memory, on top of which non-influence can be proved. This proof-oriented design allows us to formally prove separation properties on a concrete executable model very close to its automatically extracted C implementation. Our design is shown to be realistic as it can execute isolated instances of a real-time embedded system that has moreover been modified to isolate its own processes through the Pip services. | ![]() | Jul 19 16:30 |
ABSTRACT. We present a novel notion of deadlock for tasks which synchronize on arbitrary boolean conditions and a sound deadlock analysis for it. Contrary to other approaches, our analysis aims to detect dead- locks caused by faulty system design, rather than implementation bugs. A deadlock is a circular dependency between multiple tasks, where a task dependents on a second task, if the execution of this second task enables the first one to resume. This requires the analysis of the side- effects of the computations. The analysis is implemented as an extension to the DECO tool, evaluated for the full coreABS language and uses the KeY-ABS theorem prover to reason about side-effects of computations. | ![]() | Jul 18 11:00 |
ABSTRACT. Modern railway stations are controlled by computerized systems called interlockings. In fact the middle size and large size stations usually required to use several interlockings then forming a network. Many researches propose to verify the safety properties of such system by mean of model checking. Our approach goes a step further and proposes a method to extend the verification process to interconnected interlockings. This process is known as compositional verification. Each interlocking is seen as the component of a larger system (i.e.; station) and interacts with its neighbours by mean of interfaces. Our first contribution comes in the form of a catalogue of formal definitions covering all the interfaces used by the Belgian Railways. Each interface can then be bound to a formal contract allowing its verification by the ocra tool. Our second contribution is to propose an algorithm able to split the topology controlled by a single interlocking into components. This allows to reduce the size of the model to be verified thereby reducing the state space explosion while providing guarantees on the whole interlocking. | ![]() | Jul 19 12:00 |
ABSTRACT. Open pNets are used to model the behaviour of open systems, both synchronous or asynchronous, expressed in various calculi or languages. They are endowed with a symbolic operational semantics in terms of so-called “Open Automata”. This allows to check properties of such systems in a compositional manner. We implement an algorithm computing this semantics, building predicates expressing the synchronization conditions between the events of the pNet sub-systems. Checking such predicates requires symbolic reasoning over first order logics, but also over application-specific data. We use the Z3 SMT engine to check satisfiability of the predicates, and prune the open automaton of its unsatisfiable transitions. As an industrial oriented use-case, we use so-called "architectures" for BIP systems, that have been used in the framework of an ESA project and to specify the control software of a nanosatellite at the EPFL Space Engineering Center. We use pNets to encode a BIP architecture extended with explicit data, and compute its open automaton semantics. This automaton may be used to prove behavioural properties; we give 2 examples, a safety and a liveness property. | ![]() | Jul 19 11:00 |
ABSTRACT. During a course on model checking we developed BMoth, a full-stack model checker for classical B, featuring both explicit-state and symbolic model checking. Given that we only had a single university term to finish the project, a particular focus was on reusing existing libraries to reduce implementation workload. In the following, we report on a selection of reusable libraries, which can be combined into a prototypical model checker relatively easily. Additionally, we discuss were custom code depending on the specification language to be checked is needed and where further optimization can take place. To conclude, we compare to other model checkers for classical B. | ![]() | Jul 18 17:00 |
ABSTRACT. Software-defined networks (SDN) offer a high degree of programmability for handling and forwarding packets. In particular, they allow network administrators to combine different security functions, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and external services, into security chains designed to prevent or mitigate attacks against end user applications. Because of their complexity, the configuration of these chains can benefit from formal techniques for their automated construction and verification. We propose in this paper a rule-based system for automating the composition and configuration of chains of security functions for Android applications. Given a characterization of the network traffic generated by an application and the set of permissions it requires, our rules construct an abstract representation of a custom security chain. This representation is then translated into a concrete implementation of the chain in Pyretic, a domain-specific language for programming SDN controllers. We prove that the chains produced by our rules satisfy a number of correctness properties such as the absence of black holes or loops, and shadowing freedom, and that they are coherent with the underlying security policy. | ![]() | Jul 19 16:00 |
ABSTRACT. The Internet of Things (IoT) promises a revolution in the monitoring and control of a wide range of applications, from urban water supply networks and precision agriculture food production, to vehicle connectivity and healthcare monitoring. For applications in such critical areas, control software and protocols for IoT systems must be verified to be both robust and reliable. Two of the largest obstacles to robustness and reliability in IoT systems are effects on the hardware caused by environmental conditions, and the choice of parameters used by the protocol. In this paper we use probabilistic model checking to verify that a synchronisation and dissemination protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is correct with respect to its requirements, and is not adversely affected by the environment. We show how the protocol can be converted into a logical model and then analysed using the probabilistic model-checker, PRISM. Using this approach we prove under which circumstances the protocol is guaranteed to synchronise all nodes and disseminate new information to all nodes. We also examine the bounds on synchronisation as the environment changes the performance of the hardware clock, and investigate the scalability constraints of this approach. | ![]() | Jul 18 16:30 |