Solving Constrained Horn Clauses Using Dependence-Disjoint Expansions

Authors: Qi Zhou, David Heath and William Harris

Paper Information

Title:Solving Constrained Horn Clauses Using Dependence-Disjoint Expansions
Authors:Qi Zhou, David Heath and William Harris
Proceedings:HCVS Papers
Editors: German Vidal and Temesghen Kahsai
Keywords:recursion-free constrained Horn clause, interpolation, Constraint solving

ABSTRACT. Recursion-free Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs) are logic-programming problems that can model safety properties of programs with bounded iteration and recursion. In addition, many CHC solvers which handle recursive systems reduce their inputs to a series of recursion-free CHC systems that can each be solved efficiently.

In this paper, we define a novel class of recursion-free systems, named Clause-Dependence Disjoint (CDD), that generalizes classes defined in previous work. The advantage of this class is that many CDD systems are smaller than systems which express the same constraints but are part of a different class. This advantage in size allows CDD systems to be solved more efficiently than their counterparts in other classes. Based on the class of CDD systems, we implemented a CHC solver named Shara. Shara solves arbitrary CHC systems by reducing the input to a series of CDD systems. Our evaluation indicates that Shara outperforms state-of-the-art implementations in many practical cases.

Talk:Jul 13 11:00 (Session 86D)