Scalable Robotic Intra-Logistics with Answer Set Programming

Author: Philipp Obermeier

Paper Information

Title:Scalable Robotic Intra-Logistics with Answer Set Programming
Authors:Philipp Obermeier
Proceedings:ICLP-DC ICLP'18 DC Proceedings
Editor: Paul Tarau
Keywords:Answer Set Programming, Logistics, Planning

ABSTRACT. Over time, Answer Set Programming (ASP) has gained traction as a versatile logic programming semantics with performant processing systems, used by a growing number of significant applications in academia and industry. However, this development is threatened by a lack of commonly accepted design patterns and techniques for ASP to address dynamic application on a real-world scale. To this end, we identified robotic intra-logistics as representative scenario, a major domain of interest in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. For this setting, we aim to provide a scalable and efficient ASP-based solutions by (1) stipulating a standardized test and benchmark framework; (2) leveraging existing ASP techniques through new design patterns; and (3) extending ASP with new functionalities. In this paper we will expand on the subject matter as well as detail our current progress and future plans.

Talk:Jul 18 14:00 (Session 127D)