Embedding Intuitionistic Modal Logics in Higher-Order Logic. An Easy Task?
Authors: Hanna Lachnitt, Christoph Benzmüller and Maximilian Claus
Paper Information
Title: | Embedding Intuitionistic Modal Logics in Higher-Order Logic. An Easy Task? |
Authors: | Hanna Lachnitt, Christoph Benzmüller and Maximilian Claus |
Proceedings: | WiL Short Papers and Abstracts |
Editors: | Valeria de Paiva, Amy Felty and Ursula Martin |
Keywords: | Intuitionistic Modal Logic, Higher-Order Logic, Automatic Verification |
Abstract: | ABSTRACT. Intuitionistic logics are very useful in practise, they are for example valuable for proof assistants. Nevertheless, they have been regarded controversial. David Hilbert wrote that: "Taking the principle of excluded middle from the mathematician would be the same, say, as proscribing the telescope to the astronomer or to the boxer the use of his fists."[5] Indeed, this property of intuitionistic logic may cause problems when trying to embed them in higher-order logic. The talk will give a short overview about this challenge and discuss possible solutions. |
Pages: | 1 |
Talk: | Jul 08 16:15 (Session 42R) |
Paper: | ![]() |