Timed Epistemic Knowledge Bases for Social Networks

Authors: Raúl Pardo, Cesar Sanchez and Gerardo Schneider

Paper Information

Title:Timed Epistemic Knowledge Bases for Social Networks
Authors:Raúl Pardo, Cesar Sanchez and Gerardo Schneider
Proceedings:FM FMComplete
Editors: Jan Peleska, Klaus Havelund and Bill Roscoe
Keywords:Privacy, Online Social Networks, Epistemic Logic, Knowledge based Reasoning

ABSTRACT. We present an epistemic logic equipped with time-stamps in atoms and epistemic operators, which enables reasoning about the moments at which events happen and knowledge is acquired or deduced. Our logic includes both an epistemic operator K and a belief operator B, to capture the disclosure of inaccurate information. Our main motivation is to describe rich privacy policies in online social networks (OSNs). Most of today's privacy policy mechanisms in existing OSNs allow only static policies. In our logic, it is possible to express rich dynamic policies in terms of the knowledge available to the different users and the precise time of actions and deductions. Our framework can be instantiated for different OSNs, by specifying the effect of the actions in the evolution of the social network and in the knowledge disclosed to each user. We present an algorithm for deducing knowledge and propagating beliefs, which can also be instantiated with different variants of how the epistemic information is preserved through time. Policies are modelled as formulae in the logic, which are interpreted over timed traces. Finally, we show that model-checking is decidable.

Talk:Jul 15 17:30 (Session 107B)