Author: Arne Boralv
Paper Information
Title: | Interlocking Design Automation using Prover Trident |
Authors: | Arne Boralv |
Proceedings: | FM FMComplete |
Editors: | Jan Peleska, Klaus Havelund and Bill Roscoe |
Keywords: | Formal verification, Sign-off, Interlocking, Prover Trident |
Abstract: | ABSTRACT. In this article we present an industrial-strength approach based on formal methods to develop and check safety-critical interlocking software for railway signaling systems. The Prover Trident approach is developed by Prover Technology to meet industry needs for reduced cost and time-to-market, by capitalizing on the inherent repetitive nature of interlocking systems, in the sense that specific systems can be created and verified efficiently as specific instances of generic principles. This enables a high degree of automation, supported by an industrial-strength toolkit for creation of design and code, with seamless integration of push-button tools for simulation and formal verification. Using this approach, safety assessment relies on formal verification, performed on the design, the software code as well as the binary code. An independent toolset for formal verification that has been developed to meet the applicable certification requirements is used to verify the revenue service code. The basic ideas of this approach have been around for some time [1,2], while the methodology and tools have matured over many industrial application projects for revenue service systems. The presentation highlights the main ingredients in this successful application of formal methods, as well as challenges in establishing this approach for production use in a conservative industry domain. |
Pages: | 4 |
Talk: | Jul 17 09:30 (Session 117C: FM I-Day) |
Paper: | ![]() |