ATPboost: Learning Premise Selection in Binary Setting with ATP Feedback

Authors: Bartosz Piotrowski and Josef Urban

Paper Information

Title:ATPboost: Learning Premise Selection in Binary Setting with ATP Feedback
Authors:Bartosz Piotrowski and Josef Urban
Proceedings:IJCAR Proceedings 9th IJCAR, 2018
Editors: Stephan Schulz, Didier Galmiche and Roberto Sebastiani
Keywords:automated theorem proving, automated reasoning, machine learning

ABSTRACT. ATPboost is a system for solving sets of large-theory problems by interleaving ATP runs with state-of-the-art machine learning of premise selection from the proofs. Unlike many previous approaches that use multilabel setting, the learning is implemented as binary classification that estimates the pairwise-relevance of ( theorem, premise ) pairs. ATPboost uses for this the XGBoost gradient boosting algorithm, which is fast and has state-of-the-art performance on many tasks. Learning in the binary setting however requires negative examples, which is nontrivial due to many alternative proofs. We discuss and implement several solutions in the context of the ATP/ML feedback loop, and show that ATPboost with such methods significantly outperforms the k-nearest neighbors multilabel classifier.

Talk:Jul 17 14:15 (Session 121E: System Descriptions)