Authors | Title | Paper | Talk |
Martin Giese | Industrial Data Access |  | |
Erika Abraham | Symbolic Computation Techniques in SMT Solving: Mathematical Beauty meets Efficient Heuristics |  | |
Jean Marie Lagniez, Daniel Le Berre, Tiago de Lima and Valentin Montmirail | An Assumption-Based Approach for Solving The Minimal S5-Satisfiability Problem |  | Jul 14 14:00 |
Yizheng Zhao and Renate A. Schmidt | FAME: An Automated Tool for Semantic Forgetting in Expressive Description Logics |  | Jul 14 16:30 |
Alexander Bentkamp, Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Simon Cruanes and Uwe Waldmann | Superposition for Lambda-Free Higher-Order Logic |  | Jul 16 11:30 |
Miika Hannula and Sebastian Link | Automated Reasoning about Key Sets |  | Jul 17 11:30 |
Michael Peter Lettmann and Nicolas Peltier | A Tableaux Calculus for Reducing Proof Size |  | Jul 15 10:00 |
Franziska Rapp and Aart Middeldorp | FORT 2.0 |  | Jul 17 15:15 |
Anders Schlichtkrull, Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Dmitriy Traytel and Uwe Waldmann | Formalizing Bachmair and Ganzinger's Ordered Resolution Prover |  | Jul 15 12:00 |
Alexander Steen and Christoph Benzmüller | The Higher-Order Prover Leo-III |  | Jul 17 14:00 |
Jeremy Dawson, Nachum Dershowitz and Rajeev Gore | Well-Founded Unions |  | Jul 15 15:00 |
Katalin Fazekas, Fahiem Bacchus and Armin Biere | Implicit Hitting Set Algorithms for Maximum Satisfiability Modulo Theories |  | Jul 14 11:30 |
Sylvain Conchon, David Declerck and Fatiha Zaidi | Cubicle-W: Parameterized Model Checking on Weak Memory |  | Jul 17 14:30 |
Florian Lonsing and Uwe Egly | QRAT+: Generalizing QRAT by a More Powerful QBF Redundancy Property |  | Jul 15 09:00 |
Guillaume Melquiond and Raphaël Rieu-Helft | A Why3 framework for reflection proofs and its application to GMP's algorithms |  | Jul 15 17:30 |
Marcelo Finger and Sandro Preto | Probably Half True: Probabilistic Satisfiability over Lukasiewicz Infinitely-valued Logic |  | Jul 17 11:00 |
André Platzer | Uniform Substitution for Differential Game Logic |  | Jul 15 17:00 |
Max Kanovich, Stepan Kuznetsov, Vivek Nigam and Andre Scedrov | A Logical Framework with Commutative and Non-Commutative Subexponentials |  | Jul 15 16:30 |
Peter Backeman, Aleksandar Zeljić, Christoph M. Wintersteiger and Philipp Rümmer | Exploring Approximations for Floating-Point Arithmetic using UppSAT |  | Jul 15 11:00 |
Manuel Bodirsky and Johannes Greiner | Complexity of Combinations of Qualitative Constraint Satisfaction Problems |  | Jul 16 09:30 |
Mnacho Echenim, Nicolas Peltier and Yanis Sellami | A Generic Framework for Implicate Generation Modulo Theories |  | Jul 14 12:00 |
Stefan Ciobaca and Dorel Lucanu | A Coinductive Approach to Proving Reachability in Logically Constrained Term Rewriting Systems |  | Jul 14 16:00 |
Cunjing Ge, Feifei Ma, Tian Liu, Jian Zhang and Xutong Ma | A New Probabilistic Algorithm for Approximate Model Counting |  | Jul 14 15:00 |
Martin Bromberger | A Reduction from Unbounded Linear Mixed Arithmetic Problems into Bounded Problems |  | Jul 15 12:00 |
Nao Hirokawa, Julian Nagele and Aart Middeldorp | Cops and CoCoWeb: Infrastructure for Confluence Tools |  | Jul 17 15:00 |
Pei Huang, Feifei Ma, Jian Zhang, Cunjing Ge and Hantao Zhang | Investigating the Existence of Large Sets of Idempotent Quasigroups via Satisfiability Testing |  | Jul 14 14:30 |
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Nicolas Peltier and Simon Robillard | Superposition with Datatypes and Codatatypes |  | Jul 16 11:00 |
Nicholas Smallbone and Koen Claessen | Efficient encodings of first-order Horn formulas in equational logic |  | Jul 16 12:00 |
Evgenii Kotelnikov, Laura Kovacs and Andrei Voronkov | A FOOLish Encoding of the Next State Relations of Imperative Programs |  | Jul 15 16:30 |
Dominique Larchey-Wendling | Constructive Decision via Redundancy-free Proof-Search |  | Jul 15 11:00 |
Nicolas Jeannerod and Ralf Treinen | Deciding the First-Order Theory of an Algebra of Feature Trees with Updates |  | Jul 16 09:00 |
Jens Katelaan, Dejan Jovanović and Georg Weissenbacher | A Separation Logic with Data: Small Models and Automation |  | Jul 17 10:00 |
Sarah Winkler and Georg Moser | MaedMax: A Maximal Ordered Completion Tool |  | Jul 17 14:45 |
Matteo Acclavio and Lutz Strassburger | From Syntactic Proofs to Combinatorial Proofs |  | Jul 15 16:00 |
Cláudia Nalon and Dirk Pattinson | A Resolution-Based Calculus for Preferential Logics |  | Jul 15 09:00 |
Benjamin Kiesl, Adrian Rebola-Pardo and Marijn Heule | Extended Resolution Simulates DRAT |  | Jul 15 09:30 |
Bohua Zhan and Maximilian P. L. Haslbeck | Verifying Asymptotic Time Complexity of Imperative Programs in Isabelle |  | Jul 15 11:30 |
Jochen Hoenicke and Tanja Schindler | Efficient Interpolation for the Theory of Arrays |  | Jul 14 11:00 |
Bartosz Piotrowski and Josef Urban | ATPboost: Learning Premise Selection in Binary Setting with ATP Feedback |  | Jul 17 14:15 |
Dennis Müller, Florian Rabe and Michael Kohlhase | Theories as Types |  | Jul 15 17:30 |
Andrew Reynolds, Arjun Viswanathan, Haniel Barbosa, Cesare Tinelli and Clark Barrett | Datatypes with Shared Selectors |  | Jul 15 11:30 |
Yevgeny Kazakov and Peter Skočovský | Enumerating Justifications using Resolution |  | Jul 15 09:30 |
Alexey Ignatiev, Filipe Pereira, Nina Narodytska and Joao Marques-Silva | A SAT-Based Approach to Learn Explainable Decision Sets |  | Jul 15 10:00 |
Son Ho, Oskar Abrahamsson, Ramana Kumar, Magnus O. Myreen, Yong Kiam Tan and Michael Norrish | Proof-Producing Synthesis of CakeML with I/O and Local State from Monadic HOL Functions |  | Jul 15 17:00 |
Julio Cesar Lopez Hernandez and Konstantin Korovin | An abstraction-refinement framework for reasoning with large theories |  | Jul 17 12:00 |
Jacopo Urbani, Markus Krötzsch, Ceriel Jacobs, Irina Dragoste and David Carral | Efficient Model Construction for Horn Logic with VLog: System Description |  | Jul 14 16:45 |
Anupam Das | Focussing, MALL and the polynomial hierarchy |  | Jul 16 10:00 |
Etienne Payet and Fausto Spoto | Checking Array Bounds by Abstract Interpretation and Symbolic Expressions |  | Jul 15 16:00 |