Internal Universes in Models of Homotopy Type Theory

Authors: Daniel R. Licata, Ian Orton, Andrew M. Pitts and Bas Spitters

Paper Information

Title:Internal Universes in Models of Homotopy Type Theory
Authors:Daniel R. Licata, Ian Orton, Andrew M. Pitts and Bas Spitters
Proceedings:FSCD Presented Papers
Editor: Helene Kirchner
Keywords:cubical sets, dependent type theory, homotopy type theory, internal language, modalities, univalent foundations, universes

ABSTRACT. We show that universes of fibrations in various models of homotopy type theory have an essentially global character: they cannot be described in the internal language of the presheaf topos from which the model is constructed. We get around this problem by extending the internal language with a modal operator for expressing properties of global elements. In this setting we show how to construct a universe that classifies the Cohen-Coquand-Huber-Mörtberg (CCHM) notion of fibration from their cubical sets model, starting from the assumption that the interval is tiny - a property that the interval in cubical sets does indeed have. This leads to a completely internal development of models of homotopy type theory within what we call crisp type theory.

Talk:Jul 10 10:00 (Session 52B: Types)