This page contains an index consisting of author-provided keywords.
A | |
alpha-equivalence | |
Anti-unification | |
automation | |
B | |
B combinator | |
Bimonad | |
Böhm trees | |
C | |
Categorical Quantum Mechanics | |
category theory | |
Coalgebra Modality | |
coherence | |
coinduction | |
Combinatorics | |
combinatory logic | |
completeness | |
completion | |
complexity | |
complexity classes | |
conditional term rewriting | |
confluence | |
constrained rewriting | |
contractibility | |
Coq | |
correctness criteria | |
critical pair | |
cubical sets | |
Cyclic term-graps | |
D | |
decreasing diagrams | |
denotational semantics | |
dependent type theory | |
E | |
Eilenberg-Moore Category | |
Equational theories | |
F | |
fermionic quantum computing | |
fixed point equations | |
functional programming | |
G | |
gradual typing | |
graph algorithms | |
Gray category | |
Guarded Recursion | |
H | |
higher inductive types | |
higher-order recursion schemes | |
higher-order unification | |
homogeneous types | |
homotopy type theory | |
Hopf Monad | |
I | |
implicit complexity | |
Indexed types | |
Inductive Types | |
inductive-inductive types | |
infinitary rewriting | |
innermost conditional narrowing | |
interactive tool | |
internal language | |
intuitionistic linear logic | |
L | |
lambda calculus | |
lambda-calculus | |
Least general generalization | |
Linear Category | |
linear logic | |
logical relations | |
M | |
mathematical analysis | |
meaningless terms | |
Mixed Distributive Law | |
modalities | |
monoidal categories | |
Monoidal Coalgebra Modality | |
N | |
nominal terms | |
nominal unification | |
normalisation | |
O | |
over-approximation | |
P | |
polygraph | |
prefix-constrained term rewriting | |
program transformation | |
program transformations | |
proof assistants | |
Proof nets | |
proof terms | |
Q | |
Quantum Computing | |
quotient inductive types | |
R | |
Recursive types | |
regular tree grammar | |
regularity preservation | |
rewriting | |
S | |
safe schemes | |
simple types | |
Simply typed lambda calculus | |
string diagrams | |
Subtyping | |
Systems of recursion equations | |
T | |
term rewriting | |
Term Rewriting Systems | |
theorem proving | |
tree automata | |
tree automata completion | |
type inhabitation | |
type theory | |
U | |
univalent foundations | |
Universes | |
W | |
weak diamond property | |
Z | |
zw calculus | |
zx calculus |