Authors | Title | Paper | Talk |
Somesh Jha | Semantic Adversarial Deep Learning |  | Jul 16 11:00 |
Eran Yahav | From Programs to Interpretable Deep Models and Back |  | Jul 14 14:00 |
Byron Cook | Formal reasoning about the security of AWS |  | |
Ilya Grishchenko, Matteo Maffei and Clara Schneidewind | Foundations and Tools for the Static Analysis of Ethereum smart contracts |  | |
Bernhard Kragl and Shaz Qadeer | Layered Concurrent Programs |  | |
Yuki Satake and Hiroshi Unno | Propositional Dynamic Logic for Higher-Order Functional Programs |  | Jul 14 11:00 |
Grigory Fedyukovich, Yueling Zhang and Aarti Gupta | Syntax-Guided Termination Analysis |  | Jul 14 11:15 |
Hazem Torfah, Bernd Finkbeiner and Christopher Hahn | Model Checking Quantitative Hyperproperties |  | Jul 14 11:30 |
Lauren Pick, Grigory Fedyukovich and Aarti Gupta | Exploiting Synchrony and Symmetry in Relational Verification |  | Jul 14 11:45 |
Lucas Cordeiro, Pascal Kesseli, Daniel Kroening, Peter Schrammel and Marek Trtik | JBMC: A Bounded Model Checking Tool for Verifying Java Bytecode |  | Jul 14 12:00 |
Kenneth McMillan | Eager Abstraction for Symbolic Model Checking |  | Jul 14 12:15 |
Gagandeep Singh, Markus Püschel and Martin Vechev | Fast Numerical Program Analysis with Reinforcement Learning |  | Jul 14 15:00 |
Anna Becchi and Enea Zaffanella | A Direct Encoding for NNC Polyhedra |  | Jul 14 15:15 |
S. Akshay, Supratik Chakraborty, Shubham Goel, Sumith Kulal and Shetal Shah | What’s hard about Boolean Functional Synthesis? |  | Jul 14 16:00 |
Alessandro Abate, Cristina David, Pascal Kesseli, Daniel Kroening and Elizabeth Polgreen | Counterexample Guided Inductive Synthesis Modulo Theories |  | Jul 14 16:15 |
Bernd Finkbeiner, Leander Tentrup, Marvin Stenger, Philip Lukert and Christopher Hahn | Synthesizing Reactive Systems from Hyperproperties |  | Jul 14 16:30 |
Daniel J. Fremont and Sanjit A. Seshia | Reactive Control Improvisation |  | Jul 14 16:45 |
Aws Albarghouthi and Justin Hsu | Constraint-Based Synthesis of Coupling Proofs |  | Jul 14 17:00 |
Chuchu Fan, Umang Mathur, Sayan Mitra and Mahesh Viswanathan | Controller Synthesis Made Real: Reach-avoid Specifications and Linear Dynamics |  | Jul 14 17:15 |
Suguman Bansal, Kedar Namjoshi and Yaniv Sa'Ar | Synthesis Of Asynchronous Reactive Programs From Temporal Specifications |  | Jul 14 17:30 |
Qinheping Hu and Loris D'Antoni | Syntax Guided Synthesis with Quantitative Syntactic Objectives |  | Jul 14 17:45 |
Xinyu Wang, Greg Anderson, Isil Dillig and Ken McMillan | Learning Abstractions for Program Synthesis |  | Jul 15 10:00 |
George Argyros and Loris D'Antoni | The Learnability of Symbolic Automata |  | Jul 15 10:15 |
Hui Kong, Ezio Bartocci and Tom Henzinger | Reachable Set Over-approximation for Nonlinear Systems Using Piecewise Barrier Tubes |  | Jul 15 11:00 |
Goran Frehse, Mirco Giacobbe and Thomas Henzinger | Space-time Interpolants |  | Jul 15 11:15 |
Michael Emmi and Constantin Enea | Monitoring Weak Consistency |  | Jul 15 11:30 |
Yijun Feng, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Haokun Li, Bican Xia and Naijun Zhan | Monitoring CTMCs By Multi-Clock Timed Automata |  | Jul 15 11:45 |
Frederik M. Bønneland, Peter Gjøl Jensen, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Marco Muñiz and Jiri Srba | Start Pruning When Time Gets Urgent: Partial Order Reduction for Timed Systems |  | Jul 15 12:00 |
Ezio Bartocci, Roderick Bloem, Dejan Nickovic and Franz Roeck | A Counting Semantics for Monitoring LTL Specifications over Finite Traces |  | Jul 15 12:15 |
Jan Kretinsky, Tobias Meggendorfer, Salomon Sickert and Christopher Ziegler | Rabinizer 4: From LTL to Your Favourite Deterministic Automaton |  | Jul 15 14:00 |
Philipp J. Meyer, Salomon Sickert and Michael Luttenberger | Strix: Explicit Reactive Synthesis Strikes Back! |  | Jul 15 14:15 |
Aina Niemetz, Mathias Preiner, Clifford Wolf and Armin Biere | BTOR2, BtorMC and Boolector 3.0 |  | Jul 15 14:30 |
Marco Eilers and Peter Müller | Nagini: A Static Verifier for Python |  | Jul 15 14:45 |
Michael Blondin, Javier Esparza and Stefan Jaax | Peregrine: A Tool for the Analysis of Population Protocols |  | Jul 15 15:00 |
Milan Ceska, Jiri Matyas, Vojtech Mrazek, Lukas Sekanina, Zdenek Vasicek and Tomas Vojnar | ADAC: Automated Design of Approximate Circuits |  | Jul 15 15:15 |
Edon Kelmendi, Julia Krämer, Jan Kretinsky and Maximilian Weininger | Value Iteration for Simple Stochastic Games: Stopping Criterion and Learning Algorithm |  | Jul 15 16:00 |
Tim Quatmann and Joost-Pieter Katoen | Sound Value Iteration |  | Jul 15 16:15 |
Weichao Zhou and Wenchao Li | Safety-Aware Apprenticeship Learning |  | Jul 15 16:30 |
Qiyi Tang and Franck van Breugel | Deciding Probabilistic Bisimilarity Distance One for Labelled Markov Chains |  | Jul 15 16:45 |
Hannah Arndt, Christina Jansen, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Christoph Matheja and Thomas Noll | Let this Graph be your Witness! An Attestor for Verifying Java Pointer Programs |  | Jul 16 09:00 |
Mostafa Hassan, Caterina Urban, Marco Eilers and Peter Müller | MaxSMT-Based Type Inference for Python 3 |  | Jul 16 09:15 |
Andrew Gacek, John Backes, Michael Whalen, Lucas Wagner and Elaheh Ghassabani | The JKind Model Checker |  | Jul 16 09:30 |
Vincent Cheval, Steve Kremer and Itsaka Rakotonirina | The DEEPSEC prover |  | Jul 16 09:45 |
Jianwen Li, Rohit Dureja, Geguang Pu, Kristin Yvonne Rozier and Moshe Vardi | SimpleCAR: An Efficient Bug-Finding Tool Based On Approximate Reachability |  | Jul 16 10:00 |
Dmitry Blotsky, Federico Mora, Murphy Berzish, Yunhui Zheng, Ifaz Kabir and Vijay Ganesh | StringFuzz: A Fuzzer for String Solvers |  | Jul 16 10:15 |
Jérôme Dohrau, Alexander J Summers, Caterina Urban, Severin Münger and Peter Müller | Permission Inference for Array Programs |  | Jul 16 12:00 |
Patrick Cousot, Roberto Giacobazzi and Francesco Ranzato | Program Analysis is Harder than Verification: A Computability Perspective |  | Jul 16 12:15 |
Suguman Bansal, Swarat Chaudhuri and Moshe Vardi | Automata vs Linear-Programming Discounted-Sum Inclusion |  | Jul 17 09:00 |
Matthew Bauer, Rohit Chadha, Mahesh Viswanathan and Prasad Sistla | Model checking indistinguishability of randomized security protocols |  | Jul 17 09:15 |
Weikun Yang, Yakir Vizel, Pramod Subramanyan, Aarti Gupta and Sharad Malik | Lazy Self-Composition for Security Verification |  | Jul 17 09:30 |
Jun Zhang, Pengfei Gao, Fu Song and Chao Wang | SCInfer: Refinement-based Verification of Software Countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks |  | Jul 17 09:45 |
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Monika Henzinger, Veronika Loitzenbauer, Simin Oraee and Viktor Toman | Symbolic Algorithms for Graphs and Markov Decision Processes with Fairness Objectives |  | Jul 17 10:00 |
Tom van Dijk | Attracting Tangles to Solve Parity Games |  | Jul 17 10:15 |
Soonho Kong, Armando Solar-Lezama and Sicun Gao | Delta-Decision Procedures for Exists-Forall Problems over the Reals |  | Jul 17 11:00 |
Aina Niemetz, Mathias Preiner, Andrew Reynolds, Clark Barrett and Cesare Tinelli | Solving Quantified Bit-Vectors using Invertibility Conditions |  | Jul 17 11:15 |
Markus N. Rabe, Leander Tentrup, Cameron Rasmussen and Sanjit A. Seshia | Understanding and Extending Incremental Determinization for 2QBF |  | Jul 17 11:30 |
Robert Robere, Antonina Kolokolova and Vijay Ganesh | The Proof Complexity of SMT Solvers |  | Jul 17 11:45 |
Benjamin Farinier, Sebastien Bardin, Richard Bonichon and Marie-Laure Potet | Model Generation for Quantified Formulas: A Taint-Based Approach |  | Jul 17 12:00 |
Xinhao Yuan, Junfeng Yang and Ronghui Gu | Partial Order Aware Concurrency Sampling |  | Jul 17 14:00 |
Ahmed Bouajjani, Constantin Enea, Suha Orhun Mutluergil and Serdar Tasiran | Reasoning About TSO Programs Using Reduction and Abstraction |  | Jul 17 14:15 |
Huyen T.T. Nguyen, Cesar Rodriguez, Marcelo Sousa, Camille Coti and Laure Petrucci | Quasi-Optimal Partial Order Reduction |  | Jul 17 14:30 |
Ahmed Bouajjani, Constantin Enea, Kailiang Ji and Shaz Qadeer | On the Completeness of Verifying Message Passing Programs under Bounded Asynchrony |  | Jul 17 14:45 |
Elvira Albert, Miguel Gomez-Zamalloa, Miguel Isabel and Albert Rubio | Constrained Dynamic Partial Order Reduction |  | Jul 17 15:00 |
Mark Tullsen, Lee Pike, Nathan Collins and Aaron Tomb | Formal Verification of a Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) Messaging System |  | Jul 17 16:00 |
Andrey Chudnov, Nathan Collins, Byron Cook, Josiah Dodds, Brian Huffman, Colm MacCarthaigh, Stephen Magill, Eric Mertens, Eric Mullen, Serdar Tasiran, Aaron Tomb and Edwin Westbrook | Continuous formal verification of Amazon s2n |  | Jul 17 16:15 |
Daniel Schemmel, Julian Büning, Oscar Soria Dustmann, Thomas Noll and Klaus Wehrle | Symbolic Liveness Analysis of Real-World Software |  | Jul 17 16:30 |
Byron Cook, Kareem Khazem, Daniel Kroening, Serdar Tasiran, Michael Tautschnig and Mark R. Tuttle | Model Checking Boot Code from AWS Data Centers |  | Jul 17 16:45 |
Taolue Chen, Jinlong He, Fu Song, Guozhen Wang, Zhilin Wu and Jun Yan | Android Stack Machine |  | Jul 17 17:00 |
Christoph Walther | Formally Verified Montgomery Multiplication |  | Jul 17 17:15 |
Eric Goubault, Sylvie Putot and Lorenz Sahlman | Inner and Outer Approximating Flowpipes for Delay Differential Equations |  | Jul 17 17:30 |