Authors | Title | Paper | Talk |
Charlie Jacomme and Steve Kremer | An extensive formal analysis of multi-factor authentication protocols |  | Jul 09 11:00 |
Bruno Blanchet | Composition Theorems for CryptoVerif and Application to TLS 1.3 |  | Jul 09 11:30 |
Patrick Thomas Eugster, Giorgia Azzurra Marson and Bertram Poettering | A Cryptographic Look at Multi-Party Channels |  | Jul 09 12:00 |
Ilia Lebedev, Kyle Hogan and Srini Devadas | Secure Boot and Remote Attestation in the Sanctum Processor |  | |
Maxime Audinot, Sophie Pinchinat and Barbara Kordy | Guided design of attack trees: a system-based approach |  | Jul 09 15:00 |
Marc Fischlin and Sogol Mazaheri | Self-Guarding Cryptographic Protocols against Algorithm Substitution Attacks |  | Jul 10 09:00 |
Cécile Baritel-Ruet, François Dupressoir, Pierre-Alain Fouque and Benjamin Grégoire | Formal Security Proof of CMAC and its Variants |  | Jul 10 09:30 |
Marc Fischlin, Christian Janson and Sogol Mazaheri | Backdoored Hash Functions: Immunizing HMAC and HKDF |  | Jul 10 10:00 |
Helene Haagh, Aleksandr Karbyshev, Sabine Oechsner, Bas Spitters and Pierre-Yves Strub | Computer-aided proofs for multiparty computation with active security |  | Jul 10 11:00 |
José Bacelar Almeida, Manuel Barbosa, Gilles Barthe, Hugo Pacheco, Vitor Pereira and Bernardo Portela | Enforcing ideal-world leakage bounds in real-world secret sharing MPC frameworks |  | Jul 10 11:30 |
Baiyu Li and Daniele Micciancio | Symbolic security of garbled circuits |  | Jul 10 12:00 |
Borzoo Bonakdarpour and Bernd Finkbeiner | The Complexity of Monitoring Hyperproperties |  | Jul 10 14:00 |
Mckenna McCall, Hengruo Zhang and Limin Jia | Knowledge-based Security of Dynamic Secrets for Reactive Programs |  | Jul 10 14:30 |
Andrey Chudnov and David Naumann | Assuming you know: epistemic semantics of relational annotations for expressive flow policies |  | Jul 10 15:00 |
Everett Hildenbrandt, Manasvi Saxena, Nishant Rodrigues, Xiaoran Zhu, Philip Daian, Dwight Guth, Brandon Moore, Daejun Park, Yi Zhang, Andrei Stefanescu and Grigore Rosu | KEVM: A Complete Formal Semantics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine |  | Jul 10 16:00 |
Hongxu Chen, Alwen Tiu, Zhiwu Xu and Yang Liu | A Permission-Dependent Type System for Secure Information Flow Analysis |  | Jul 11 09:00 |
Vineet Rajani and Deepak Garg | Types for Information Flow Control: Labeling Granularity and Semantic Models |  | Jul 11 09:30 |
Christian Müller, Helmut Seidl and Eugen Zalinescu | Inductive Invariants for Noninterference in Multi-agent Workflows |  | Jul 11 10:00 |
Mario S. Alvim, Kostas Chatzikokolakis, Catuscia Palamidessi and Anna Pazii | Local Differential Privacy on Metric Spaces: optimizing the trade-off with utility |  | |
Samuel Yeom, Irene Giacomelli, Matt Fredrikson and Somesh Jha | Privacy Risk in Machine Learning: Analyzing the Connection to Overfitting |  | Jul 11 12:00 |
David Basin, Sasa Radomirovic and Lara Schmid | Alethea: A Provably Secure Random Sample Voting Protocol |  | Jul 11 16:00 |
Véronique Cortier, Constantin Cătălin Dragan, François Dupressoir and Bogdan Warinschi | Machine-checked proofs for electronic voting: privacy and verifiability for Belenios |  | Jul 11 16:30 |
Pasquale Malacaria, Mhr Khouzani, Corina Pasareanu, Quoc-Sang Phan and Kasper Luckow | Symbolic Side-Channel Analysis for Probabilistic Programs |  | Jul 12 09:30 |
Gilles Barthe, Benjamin Grégoire and Vincent Laporte | Secure compilation of side-channel countermeasures: the case of cryptographic “constant-time” |  | Jul 12 10:00 |
Vincent Cheval, Veronique Cortier and Mathieu Turuani | A little more conversation, a little less action, a lot more satisfaction: Global states in ProVerif. |  | Jul 12 11:00 |
Jannik Dreier, Lucca Hirschi, Sasa Radomirovic and Ralf Sasse | Automated Unbounded Verification of Stateful Cryptographic Protocols with Exclusive OR |  | Jul 12 11:30 |
Andreas Viktor Hess and Sebastian A. Mödersheim | A Typing Result for Stateful Protocols |  | Jul 12 12:00 |