Authors | Title | Paper | Talk |
Mathias Fleury, Jasmin Christian Blanchette and Peter Lammich | A Verified SAT Solver with Watched Literals Using Imperative HOL (Extended Abstract) |  | Jul 13 09:30 | Andreas Lochbihler and Pascal Stoop | Lazy Algebraic Types in Isabelle/HOL |  | Jul 13 10:00 | Max W. Haslbeck and René Thiemann | Formal Verification of Bounds for the LLL Basis Reduction Algorithm |  | Jul 13 11:00 | Benedikt Stock, Abhik Pal, Maria Antonia Oprea, Yufei Liu, Malte Sophian Hassler, Simon Dubischar, Prabhat Devkota, Yiping Deng, Marco David, Bogdan Ciurezu, Jonas Bayer and Deepak Aryal | Hilbert Meets Isabelle: Formalisation of the DPRM Theorem in Isabelle |  | Jul 13 11:30 | Makarius Wenzel | Further Scaling of Isabelle Technology |  | Jul 13 12:00 | Andreas Halkjær From, Anders Schlichtkrull and Jørgen Villadsen | Drawing Trees |  | | Andreas Halkjær From, John Bruntse Larsen, Anders Schlichtkrull and Jørgen Villadsen | Substitutionless First-Order Logic: A Formal Soundness Proof |  | Jul 13 16:00 | Christian Sternagel | The remote_build Tool |  | Jul 13 16:15 | Yutaka Nagashima and Yilun He | PaMpeR: A Proof Method Recommendation System for Isabelle/HOL |  | Jul 13 16:30 | Joshua Bockenek, Peter Lammich, Yakoub Nemouchi and Burkhart Wolff | Using Isabelle/UTP for the Verification of Sorting Algorithms: A Case Study |  | Jul 13 17:00 |