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09:00 | SPEAKER: Sogol Mazaheri ABSTRACT. We put forward the notion of self-guarding cryptographic protocols as a countermeasure to algorithm substitution attacks. Such self-guarding protocols can prevent undesirable leakage by subverted algorithms if one has the guarantee that the system has been properly working in an initialization phase. Unlike detection-based solutions they thus proactively thwart attacks, and unlike reverse firewalls they do not assume an online external party. We present constructions of basic primitives for (public-key and private-key) encryption and for signatures. We also argue that the model captures attacks with malicious hardware tokens and show how to self-guard a PUF-based key exchange protocol. |
09:30 | SPEAKER: Cécile Baritel-Ruet ABSTRACT. The CMAC standard, when initially proposed by Iwata and Kurosawa as OMAC1, was equipped with a complex game-based security proof. Following recent advances in formal verification for game-based security proofs, we formalize a proof of unforgeability for CMAC in EasyCrypt. A side effects of this proof are improvements of EasyCrypt libraries. This formal proof obtains security bounds very similar to Iwata and Kurosawa’s for CMAC, but also proves secure a certain number of intermediate constructions of independent interest, including ECBC, FCBC and XCBC. This work represents one more step in the direction of obtaining a reliable set of independently verifiable evidence for the security of international cryptographic standards. |
10:00 | SPEAKER: Christian Janson ABSTRACT. Security of cryptographic schemes is traditionally measured as the inability of resource-constraint adversaries to violate a desired security goal. The security argument usually relies on a sound design of the underlying components. Arguably, one of the most devastating failures of this approach can be observed when considering adversaries such as intelligence agencies that can influence the design, implementation, and standardization of cryptographic primitives. While the most prominent example of cryptographic backdoors is NIST's Dual_EC_DRBG, believing that such attempts have ended there is naive. Security of many cryptographic tasks, such as digital signatures, pseudorandom generation, and password protection, crucially relies on the security of hash functions. In this work, we consider the question of how backdoors can endanger security of hash functions and, especially, if and how we can thwart such backdoors. We particularly focus on immunizing arbitrarily backdoored versions of HMAC (RFC 2104) and the hash-based key derivation function HKDF (RFC 5869), which are widely deployed in critical protocols such as TLS. We give evidence that the weak pseudorandomness property of the compression function in the hash function is in fact robust against backdooring. This positive result allows us to build a backdoor-resistant pseudorandom function, i.e., a variant of HMAC, and we show that HKDF can be immunized against backdoors at little cost. Unfortunately, we also argue that safe-guarding unkeyed hash functions against backdoors is presumably hard. |
11:00 | SPEAKER: Sabine Oechsner ABSTRACT. Secure multi-party computation (MPC) is a general cryptographic technique that allows distrusting parties to compute a function of their individual inputs, while only revealing the output of the function. It has found applications in areas such as auctioning, email filtering, and secure teleconference. Given its importance, it is crucial that the protocols are specified and implemented correctly. In the programming language community it has become good practice to use computer proof assistants to verify correctness proofs. In the field of cryptography, Easycrypt is the state of the art proof assistant. It provides an embedded language for probabilistic programming, together with a specialized logic, embedded into an ambient general purpose higher-order logic. It allows us to conveniently express cryptographic properties. Easycrypt has been used successfully on many applications, including public-key encryption, signatures, garbled circuits and differential privacy. Here we show for the first time that it can also be used to prove security for an n-party MPC protocol against a *malicious* adversary. We formalize additive and replicated secret sharing schemes and apply them to Maurer's MPC protocol for secure addition and multiplication. Our method extends to general polynomial functions. We follow the insights from Easycrypt that security proofs can be often be reduced to proofs about program equivalence, a topic that is well understood in the verification of programming languages. In particular, we show that in the passive case the non-interference-based (NI) definition is equivalent to a standard game-based security definition. For the active case, we provide a new non-interference based alternative to the usual simulation-based cryptographic definition. |
11:30 | SPEAKER: Hugo Pacheco ABSTRACT. We give a language-based security treatment of domain-specific languages and compilers for secure multi-party computation, a cryptographic paradigm that enables collaborative computation over encrypted data. Computations are specified in a core imperative language, as if they were intended to be executed by a trusted-third party, and formally verified against an information-flow policy modelling (an upper bound to) their leakage. This allows non-experts to assess the impact of performance-driven authorized disclosure of intermediate values. Specifications are then compiled into multi-party protocols. We formalize protocol security using (distributed) probabilistic information-flow and prove that compilation is security-preserving: protocols do not leak more than allowed by the source policy. The proof exploits a natural but previously missing correspondence between simulation-based cryptographic proofs and (composable) probabilistic non-interference. Finally, we extend our framework to justify leakage cancelling, a domain-specific optimization that allows to, first, write an efficiently computable specification that fails to meet the allowed leakage upper-bound, and then apply a probabilistic pre-processing that brings the overall leakage to within the acceptable range. |
12:00 | SPEAKER: Baiyu Li ABSTRACT. We present the first computationally sound symbolic analysis of Yao's garbled circuit construction for secure two party computation. Our results include an extension of the symbolic language for cryptographic expressions from previous work on computationally sound symbolic analysis, and a soundness theorem for this extended language. We then demonstrate how the extended language can be used to formally specify not only the garbled circuit construction, but also the formal (symbolic) simulator required by the definition of security. The correctness of the simulation is proved in a purely syntactical way, within the symbolic model of cryptography, and then translated into a concrete computational indistinguishability statement via our general computational soundness theorem. We also implement our symbolic security framework and the garbling scheme in Haskell, and our experiment shows that the symbolic analysis performs well and can be done within several seconds even for large circuits that are useful for real world application. |
14:00 | SPEAKER: Borzoo Bonakdarpour ABSTRACT. We study the runtime verification (RV) complexity of hyperproperties expressed in the temporal logic HyperLTL as a means to inspect a system with respect to a set of security polices. The monitor analyzes trace logs organized by common prefixes that form a finite tree-shaped Kripke structure, or, by common prefixes and suffixes that form a finite acyclic Kripke structure. Unlike the RV techniques for trace-based languages, where monitors are often memoryless, to monitor a hyperproperty as the system execution(s) evolve, the monitor has to repeatedly check a growing Kripke structure that records the traces observed so far. This calls for a rigorous complexity analysis of RV for hyperproperties. We show that for trees, the complexity in the size of the Kripke structure is L-complete independently of the number of quantifier alternations in the HyperLTL formula. For acyclic Kripke structures, the complexity is PSPACE-complete (in the level of the polynomial hierarchy that corresponds to the number of quantifier alternations). The combined complexity in the size of the Kripke structure and the length of the HyperLTL formula is PSPACE-complete for both trees and acyclic Kripke structures, and is as low as NC for the relevant case of trees and alternation- free HyperLTL formulas. Thus, the size and shape of the Kripke structure as well as the formula have significant impact on the efficiency of monitoring. |
14:30 | SPEAKER: Mckenna McCall ABSTRACT. Scripts on webpages could steal sensitive user data. Much work has been done, both in modeling and implementation, to enforce information flow control (IFC) of webpages to mitigate such attacks. It is common to model scripts running in an IFC mechanism as a reactive program. However, this model does not account for dynamic script behavior such as user action simulation, new DOM element generation, or new event handler registration, which could leak information. In this paper, we investigate how to secure sensitive user information, while maintaining the flexibility of declassification, even in the presence of \emph{active attackers}---those who can perform the aforementioned actions. Our approach extends prior work on secure-multi-execution with stateful declassification by treating script-generated content specially to ensure that declassification policies cannot be manipulated by them. We use a knowledge-based progress-insensitive definition of security and prove that our enforcement mechanism is sound. We further prove that our enforcement mechanism is precise and has robust declassification (i.e. active attackers cannot learn more than their passive counterpart). |
15:00 | SPEAKER: David Naumann ABSTRACT. Many high-level security requirements are about the allowed flow of information in programs, but are difficult to make precise because they involve selective downgrading. Quite a few mutually incompatible and ad-hoc approaches have been proposed for specifying and enforcing downgrading policies. Prior surveys of these approaches have not provided a unifying technical framework. Notions from epistemic logic have emerged as a good approach to policy semantics but are considerably removed from well developed static and dynamic enforcement techniques. We develop a unified framework for expressing, giving meaning and enforcing information downgrading policies that subsumes many previously known approaches. It builds on commonly known and widely deployed concepts and techniques, especially static and dynamic assertion checking. These concepts should make information flow accessible and enable developers without special training to specify precise policies. The unified framework allows to directly compare different policy specification styles and enforce them by leveraging existing tools. |
16:00 | SPEAKER: Everett Hildenbrandt ABSTRACT. A developing field of interest for the distributed systems and applied cryptography communities is that of smart contracts: self-executing financial instruments that synchronize their state, often through a blockchain. One such smart contract system that has seen widespread practical adoption is Ethereum, which has grown to a market capacity of 100 billion USD and clears an excess of 500,000 daily transactions. Unfortunately, the rise of these technologies has been marred by a series of costly bugs and exploits. Increasingly, the Ethereum community has turned to formal methods and rigorous program analysis tools. This trend holds great promise due to the relative simplicity of smart contracts and bounded-time deterministic execution inherent to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Here we present KEVM, an executable formal specification of the EVM's bytecode stack-based language built with the K Framework, designed to serve as a solid foundation for further formal analyses. We empirically evaluate the correctness and performance of KEVM using the official Ethereum test suite. To demonstrate the usability, several extensions of the semantics are presented and two different-language implementations of the ERC20 Standard Token are verified against the ERC20 specification. These results are encouraging for the executable semantics approach to language prototyping and specification. |
Doors open at 4:30 pm; please be seated by 4:50 pm (attendance is free of charge and all are welcome; please register).