Editor: Nikos Gorogiannis
Authors, Title and Abstract | Paper | Talk |
ABSTRACT. We consider basic symbolic heaps, i.e. symbolic heaps without any inductive predicates, but within a memory model featuring permissions. We propose a complete proof system for this logic that is entirely independent of the permission model. This is an ongoing work towards a complete proof system for symbolic heaps with lists, and more generally towards a proof theory of permissions in separation logics with recursive predicates and Boolean BI with abstract predicates. | ![]() | Jul 13 12:00 |
ABSTRACT. We present Sloth, a solver for separation logic modulo theory constraints specified in the separation logic SL∗, a propositional separation logic that we recently introduced in our IJCAR'18 paper "A Separation Logic with Data: Small Models and Automation." SL∗ admits NP decision procedures despite its high expressiveness; features of the logic include support for list and tree fragments, universal data constraints about both lists and trees, and Boolean closure of spatial formulas. Sloth solves SL* constraints via an SMT encoding of SL* that is based on the logic's small-model property. We argue that, while clearly still a work in progress, Sloth already demonstrates that SL* lends itself to the automation of nontrivial examples. These results complement the theoretical work presented in the IJCAR'18 paper. | ![]() | Jul 13 16:10 |
ABSTRACT. We first show that infinite satisfiability can be reduced to finite satisfiability for all prenex formulas of Separation Logic with $k\geq1$ selector fields ($\seplogk{k}$). Second, we show that this entails the decidability of the finite and infinite satisfiability problem for the class of prenex formulas of $\seplogk{1}$, by reduction to the first-order theory of one unary function symbol and unary predicate symbols. We also prove that the complexity is not elementary, by reduction from the first-order theory of one unary function symbol. Finally, we prove that the Bernays-Sch\"onfinkel-Ramsey fragment of prenex $\seplogk{1}$ formulae with quantifier prefix in the language $\exists^*\forall^*$ is \pspace-complete. The definition of a complete (hierarchical) classification of the complexity of prenex $\seplogk{1}$, according to the quantifier alternation depth is left as an open problem. | ![]() | Jul 13 15:20 |
ABSTRACT. Separation Logic (SL) is a logical formalism for reasoning about programs that use pointers to mutate data structures. SL has proven itself successful in the field of program verification over the past fifteen years as an assertion language to state properties about memory heaps using Hoare triples. Since the full logic is not recursively enumerable, most of the proof-systems and verification tools for SL focus on the decidable but rather restricted symbolic heaps fragment. Moreover, recent proof-systems that go beyond symbolic heaps allow either the full set of connectives, or the definition of arbitrary predicates, but not both. In this work, we present a labelled proof-system called GM SL that allows both the definition of arbitrary inductive predicates and the full set of SL connectives. | ![]() | Jul 13 11:30 |
ABSTRACT. We propose the strong wand and the Factor rule in a cyclic-proof system for the separation-logic entailment checking problem with general inductive predicates. The strong wand is similar to but stronger than the magic wand and is defined syntactically. The Factor rule, which uses the strong wand, is an inference rule for spatial factorization to expose an implicitly allocated cell in inductive predicates. By this rule, we can void getting stuck in the Unfold-Match-Remove strategy. We show a semi-decision algorithm of proof search in the cyclic-proof system with the Factor rule and the experimental results of its prototype implementation. | ![]() | Jul 13 11:00 |
ABSTRACT. We investigate the complexity consequences of adding pointer arithmetic to separation logic. Specifically, we study an extension of the points-to fragment of symbolic-heap separation logic with sets of simple "difference constraints" of the form x <= y + k, where x and y are pointer variables and k is an integer offset. This extension can be considered a practically minimal language for separation logic with pointer arithmetic. Most significantly, we find that, even for this minimal language, polynomial-time decidability is already impossible: satisfiability becomes NP-complete, while quantifier-free entailment becomes CoNP-complete and quantified entailment becomes \Pi^P_2-complete (where \Pi^P_2 is the second class in the polynomial-time hierarchy). However, the language does satisfy the small model property, meaning that any satisfiable formula A has a model of size polynomial in A, whereas this property fails when richer forms of arithmetical constraints are permitted. | ![]() | Jul 13 14:50 |