This volume contains the papers presented at the 16th edition of the International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT 2018). The workshop is held on July 12th and 13th 2018 in Oxford, in affiliation with the International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2018), and as part of the Federated Logic Conference (FLoC 2018).

The SMT workshop is world’s premier annual event dedicated to SMT. It is a forum that brings together researchers of SMT, users of SMT technologies, and students. The workshop covers all aspects of SMT, including new decision procedures, novel applications, implementation techniques, theoretical developments, evaluation methodologies, and case studies. As in previous years of the workshop, we invited three categories of papers: extended abstracts, to describe preliminary works in progress and solicit feedback, original papers, to present original, mature research, and presentation-only papers, to provide additional access to important developments that the SMT Workshop attendees may be unaware of. 

This year the workshop received 14 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least three program committee members. The committee decided to accept all 14 papers. This reflects the high quality of the submissions and the interests of the program committee in: fostering discussion, the presentation of preliminary work, and encouraging participation. Accepted were 8 extended abstracts, 2 original papers, and 4 presentation-only papers. Additionally, the program also includes three invited talks by Thomas Wies from NYU, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham from Google Deepmind, and Christoph Benzmüller from University of Luxembourg. 

We would like to thank the authors, the invited speakers, the program committee, the reviewers, and the steering committee for their contributions to the workshop. We thank the FLoC and IJCAR organizers for hosting the workshop, and the EasyChair team for the availability of the EasyChair Conference System.

Rayna Dimitrova
Vijay D'Silva
May 31, 2018