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09:00-10:30 Session 124L
Location: Maths Boardroom
TLA+ in Engineering Systems: Quinceañera

ABSTRACT. Relating experience and anecdotes from 15 years applying TLA+ in a commercial software engineering environment with a look toward the future.

Modeling Virtual Machines and Interrupts in TLA+ & PlusCal

ABSTRACT. We present TLA+ and PlusCal specifications of the Arm Generic Interrupt Controller, the KVM hypervisor and their interactions. The objective is to verify safety properties such as correct delivery of interrupts, correct context switching, and correct migration of virtual CPUs, as well as liveness properties such as the eventual delivery of interrupts.

10:30-11:00Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 Session 126L
Location: Maths Boardroom
An Animation Module for TLA+

ABSTRACT. The Animation module is a new TLA+ module which allows for the creation of interactive visualizations of TLC execution traces that can be run inside a web browser. The talk will present an overview of the core concepts of the Animation module and how it works, and then demonstrate a few examples of TLA+ specs that have been animated using the module.

BMCMT – Bounded Model Checking of TLA+ Specifications with SMT
SPEAKER: Igor Konnov

ABSTRACT. We present the development version of BMCMT, a symbolic model checker for TLA+. It finds, whether a TLA+ specification satisfies an invariant candidate by checking satisfiability of an SMT formula that encodes: (1) an execution of bounded length, and (2) preservation of the invariant candidate in every state of the execution. Our tool is still in the experimental phase, due to a number of challenges posed by TLA+ semantics to SMT solvers. We will discuss these challenges and our current approach to them in the talk. Our preliminary experiments show that BMCMT scales better than the standard TLA+ model checker TLC for large parameter values, e.g., when a TLA+ specification models a system of 10 processes, though TLC is more efficient for tiny parameters, e.g. when the system has 3 processes.

12:30-14:00Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 Session 127L
Location: Maths Boardroom
Applying TLA+ in a Safety-Critical Railway Project

ABSTRACT. The presentation gives an overview on the experience and insights gained from using TLA+ and PlusCal to model and develop fault-tolerant and safety-critical modules for TAS Control Platform, a platform for railway control applications up to safety integrity level 4.

State Space Explosion or: How To Fight An Uphill Battle

ABSTRACT. In this tutorial we will explore the tricks and techniques available in TLA+, TLC and the TLA Toolbox to squeeze out more performance to check models of interesting sizes despite the state space explosion problem. The tutorial will also shed light on what has been done under the hood so far to scale TLC to modern day hardware and what we are up to next to tackle the state space explosion challenge.

15:30-16:00Coffee Break
16:00-18:00 Session 129K
Location: Maths Boardroom
Invariants in Distributed Algorithms

ABSTRACT. We will discuss making invariants explicit in specification of distributed algorithms. Clearly this helps prove properties of distributed algorithms. More importantly, we show that this helps make it easier to express and to understand distributed algorithms at a high level, especially through direct uses of message histories. We will use example specifications in TLA+, for verification of Paxos using TLAPS, as well as complete excutable specifications in DistAlgo, a high-level language for distributed algorithms.

Proving properties of a minimal covering algorithm

ABSTRACT. This work concerns the specification and proof using TLA+ of properties of an algorithm for solving the minimal covering problem, which we have implemented in Python. Minimal covering is the problem of choosing a minimal number of elements from a given set to cover all the elements from another given set, as defined by a given function. The TLA+ modules are available online. The proofs of safety properties in these modules have been checked with the proof assistant TLAPS (version 1.4.3), in the presence of the tools Zenon, CVC4, Isabelle, and LS4. We have been motivated to study and implement this algorithm for converting binary decision diagrams to formulas of small size, so that humans can read the results of symbolic computation.

19:15-21:30 Workshops dinner at Magdalen College

Workshops dinner at Magdalen College. Drinks reception from 7.15pm, to be seated by 7:45 (pre-booking via FLoC registration system required; guests welcome).